First of all; we never asked for $150,000. The case was filed twice. Once in small claims where we asked for the maximum of $7500 and when it couldnt be heard there; it was refiled in county whihc we asked for $15000.
This $7500 including purchase price of $1650, repairs of $3000 plus; emissions reapirs of $375 and the balance was damages with court costs on top of that and they amounted to $240.
This case could have been settled by the seller for about $5000 which was our costs to the time we sent him a certified letter telling him this is waht he did. This would have allowed us to buy another car and the car would have been returned to him. The seller didnt want to settle this and with our budget cuts; we had to wait a long time for a hearing. Meanwhile we contiued to have problems with the car and between the little we earned; we only had enough to cover bills and not save for a car.
We cant find other work due to our disability and we used to work for UPS until they decided they didnt want any disabled people working for them; so they fired us.
We have no friends who can help with our delivery work. We were also out of work a very long time after we got fired from UPS. We were working very hard to get back on our feet but this car was dragging us further and further behind.
We know you dont belive us OK4450 but its the truth. If we go to Durango to buy a car; the car must pass the emissions where we live as that is the only place where we are allowed to register a car. If we have a second home in Durango where we can put a car; fine but if we spend 90 days or more in the emissons area with this car; we have to have a test done.
If we buy a car in Elbert which is on the border with Doug but has no emissions test; we still have to have a test done where we live so the Elbert county seller must ensure the car passes the test; by taking it to the test himself or by making the sale contigent on the car passes the test if the buyer takes it.
If the Elbert county seller doesnt want to do that; then he can sell the car to a resident of Elbert, or one of the other counties that isnt in the emissions programs; donate the car to charity or sell the car for parts.
There are 7 counties that require the emissions test out of 64 with 2 of them only requiring it in the western part of the county (they have a boundary list).
We cant help that our legislature set the emissions laws up like this but when you think about it; it does make sense. No one is forcing the hand of the seller to sell the car to an emissions area buyer so its his problem if he wants to deal with the problems associated with it.
We do feel that if someone is going to blatently break the law that he should eb the one paying the price and not the buyer. This seller kept the car in Vail; which is Eagle county and no emissions so why did he bring the car up to Doug to sell which has emissions? The car was also registered in Vail but again that doesnt matter because of who he sold the car too. He took the car to the test; twice and the car failed twice. So why did he then turn around and sell the car to us? Did the car by some miracle now pass? of course not since it was 3 weeks later.
He then compounds the problems he caused us by lying to the judge and the judge believed him enough to screw us some more. This isnt right.