Lets go over the cliff

The Federal Reserve has had the big banks on welfare for many years. The creative accounting and renaming money in each step gives the crooked scheme some cover and when most voters have little concern for any issue other than their pet concern, i.e., abortion, guns, gay rights, welfare Cadillacs, etc, we allow ourselves to be robbed as all the little groups cheer for their leaders who are more often than not financially indebted, directly or indirectly to the big banks. The 700 Club is owned by Rupert Murdoch and he doesn’t really care how many abortions are performed.

Sequestration results in the Defense Budget being cut by $45 Billion Dollars…We will NEVER get another chance to do this…It’s worth the pain…

@dagosa So sorry to hear about your neighbors daughter. I really hope it had nothing to do with no insurance. I actually also had the same problem and after ot being able to stand up straight went to the ER. I was correctly diagnosed though and had surgery that night. I’d be dead if it wasn’t for the docs and ER. I think the hospital staff was the problem.

I’m extremely sorry that the world ended for your neighbors and this bright light was extinguished.Things like this make me question my faith from time to time,but still I believe in a loving God that will make everything alright in the end.that being said,its time for Morality and genuine concern to reemerge.Profits be@#$%^! a lot of us could live good comfortable lives on half of what we currently have,then maybe,just maybe we could stop"and smell the roses".
As Lawerence Ferlinghetti said":in the middle of it all ,comes the smiling mortician"
no Brinks trucks at the cemetary-Kevin P.S Wake up America!

@bing @kevin Thank you for your sentiments.
I am not aware of the insurance coverage for this young lady as under the shock of the situation we don’t know. I can only assume at this point, there was no coverage or, being out of state from her parents, it was inadequate ( high deductible) as no primary care or someone with knowledge of her ongoing history was ever involved after she was sent home. She was pretty much on her own to follow up. Doctors make mistakes and you need follow up on all conditions like these…she didn’t have it. When you have adaquate Insurance, you don’t get sent home and told to make an appointment with your gynecologist ( ER said she had overian cyst) You see one then and now and your primary care gets involved…doctors make mistakes !

We are all grateful that your situation worked out for the best. Hospitals can be scary places. Our success rate is often tied to an ongoing relationship with all our care givers. After I had an unfortunate healthcare experience, I consolidated all my care under one umbrella so referrals were not based upon “who gets the money” for ongoing treatment. I have a chain of doctors to see when they disagree.

Often, health Insurance is the LAST thing young healthy people think of. The young as well as the old…ALL die needlessly !

I worried for years about my uninsured son living and working in Mass when he was single. The Romney plan gave me a element of security. It forced him to do what he should have done and made it more affordable at that time in his life.