Keep and repair old car...or buy newer one

OK…here’s the thing. I have a 1995 Honda Civic with 325,000 miles on it. Recently the timing belt went, and when I had it towed to the repair shop, I had them look to see if they could find anything else wrong. Here’s what they found:

1. Timing belt and water pump need to be replaced.

2. Engine needs major tune up

3. Transmission needs overhaul

4. Needs new clutch

5. Right front axle CV boot is torn, axle needs to be replaced

6. A/C compressor needs to be replaced

So…I’m wondering if it’s even worth it to fix this car and keep it running. I’m recently laid off, and have to hold on to money until I find a new job. I can’t afford any repairs right now…so I’ve been riding the bus for the time being. The question is…when I do find work, should I sink the money to get this car fixed…or should I continue riding the bus, save money and put it toward a newer car? Any thoughts?

By my rough calculations, the repairs needed on this car would probably amount to somewhere in the area of $3,500.00–$4,000.00. Personally, I cannot imagine putting that much money into a car with over 300,000 miles on the odometer.

In fact, I think that the repairs would exceed the book value of the car. Time to move on to a newer car when you have the money, IMHO.

Probably time to move on, BUT just out of curiosity how did they come up with the transmission and clutch diagnosis with a non operating car/engine?

It’s the ORIGINAL clutch, and it’s seemed to be slipping out of fifth gear for a while before the car broke down. And, the tranny hasn’t had any major service, so with 325,000, I’m sure it’s due for some major work.

Crusher is waiting. Typically a failed timing belt on a 95 Civic = trashed valves, but you may have a Civic CX which possibly is not interference.

Timing belt plugs and new clutch will keep you going. If you get hot, go for the A/C (I lived a long time before we had an air conditioned car). and save money. You might even consider not doing the timing belt unless the water pump needs to be replaced. Yea if the timing belt goes it will take out the engine, but all those miles you get between now and then will be really cheap miles.

Do this and start saving for your next car. With luck you will have enough to buy the next car without taking out a loan.

The '95 Civics are valuable cars just for parts, consider selling it as is via Craigslist.

Otherwise do the minimum to get it on the road. Timing belt, water pump, and CV joint. If and when the clutch slips and fails then decide about doing the transmission work too. You can live without the AC. You should get fresh coolant with the timing belt job. Consider an oil change and new transmission fluid to keep the motor and trans in decent shape.

I hope I get 300K miles from my Civic. You’re doing good, but be careful not to sink too much money in it at this point. I’m surprised the motor wasn’t damaged internally when the timing belt “went”. You are either very lucky or they may find more damage as they get into the job.

“You might even consider not doing the timing belt unless the water pump needs to be replaced.”

Joseph–Read the original post again!
The second sentence begins, “Recently the timing belt went, and when I had it towed to the repair shop…”

As I said, the owner is likely looking at well over $3k for repairs, and this is just way too much money to sink into a car that is now at least 14 years old, with over 300k on the odometer.

This car has an interference engine. The fact that the timing belt BROKE means the engine suffered internal damage. How much is anyone’s guess until the head comes off. I can’t believe the repair shop didn’t tell you this.

This car is history. Sell it for parts and move on.