Interesting Article and Video on buying a New or Used Vehicle…

Here is an interesting article on buying a car, new or used… We gotten so many postings from new members who ask, “Is this a good price?” for a certain car that is for sale at a dealership.

And they have not done any research on the vehicle in question (cost, reliability, cost of maintenance, etc…). You can read the ariticle or watch the video, which is more entertaining than reading the article…

The included video is a TikTok and it sometimes does not come up, so the Link is included below…

WARNING, this video should be rated “R” for Mature Audiences due to the “Earthy Language,” but nothing you would not heat on any school bus…|0|1|3&cv=1&br=2638&bt=1319&bti=NDU3ZjAwOg%3D%3D&cs=0&ds=3&ft=_G6uMBnZq8ZmojanCQ_vjeyhsAhLrus&mime_type=video_mp4&qs=0&rc=ZDhnOmc3OjhnZTdlZWlmNUBpM3F2bjs6Zmo7bTMzNzczM0BfNDJiY142NjQxLjJfMTA0YSMxZWIxcjRnNnFgLS1kMTZzcw%3D%3D&l=20231012022920B2B8F0EA23C8ED3EE004&btag=e00020000

The only advice I would add is if the salesperson makes any promises, get it in writing… And if the vehicle is not ready, not on lot yet, in for service, etc… and they tell you it will be ready in X-days, get that is writing also…

Time is of the essence. The (Year, Make, and Model) will be ready for pickup by (the promised date) or this contract in null and void and all deposits and the (trade-in) will be returned immediately.

I’ve written about this “Time is of the essence” clause previously. And you can read it here…