Indirect TPMS driving me nuts

Oh, I dunno. While tread wear monitoring isn’t the goal of the system, it isn’t a bad thing to have monitored as a side effect of the system. :smile:
But do not rely on the TPMS to notify you of worn tires. Measure that manually. You can buy a measuring tool to do so for no more than a few bucks at any parts store. Once you get familiar with what constitutes a too-worn tire, you can pretty much tell visually. It also gets you to look for signs of abnormal wear, which can indicate more serious problems.

Tire tread depth gage

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Franz Star, you yourself ia a post told us your rear tires measured between 2 and 3/32. That is worn out. It doesn’t matter what kind of miles other people have run up on the same tires, yours are shot!

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Got mine working again for $84 for a new sensor. I don’t know if its direct or indirect or what but it works.

oldtimer, Go back and read my post again. I did not say my tires measured between 2 and 3/32. My exact post was “There is 2 to 3/32 inch LESS tread on the front tires” The tires, now on rear, pass state inspection and are ok for as much as I drive this car.

I believe the confusion of a false TPressureMS indicator is a bad thing especially for most people (90+%) like me who had no idea there was more than one kind of TPMS when purchasing a new car. This is especially true when there is no indication on the window sticker, no explanation from the car salesman or no explanation of the quirks of a indirect TPMS in the owners manual. To be conned into buying 4 new tires before they are actually worn out or forced return to a dealer and be charged for a full calibration is a terrible thing. This smacks of door to door home repair hucksters taking advantage of the ill informed elderly.

mountainbike, I have 2 similar tread measuring tools. I also have a Lincoln penny and a quarter. I also am aware of the 2/32 inch tread wear indicator molded into each tire tread which is still beneath my tread.

How many times has this vehicle failed the calibration procedure? I have initiated the calibration process for a number of customers that had one or two tires installed at a tire shop and have never experienced a problem.

BTW we don’t charge the customer for pushing the buttons.

That’s good to hear. I wish everyone would somehow monitor their tires. It’d be a safer world. We’d have fewer people spinning their cars out and sliding into other cars in bad weather.

My pennies and quarters all get spent immediately… :grin:

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mountain, I am not sure you understood that a Lincoln penny and a quarter can be used to measure tire tread. If not google it.

I’ve know that since the 1960’s.

Thank you for the Don Quixote cartoon shadowfox. I also identify with Hamlet,
“The TPMS is out of joint. O cursed spite, that I was born to set it right.”