So I used tooo strong of a battery in my 1983 Toyota Cressida and she doesn’t want to start. I’ve checked all the fuses and gotten the correct sized battery. I’ve also changed the Spark plugs and wires, as well as removed the alternator and had it tested(needless to say that wasn’t the problem.) I am able to turn on the headlights and use the horn although the dome light and radio do not work. When I try to start the car it doesn’t even try to turn over and the only thing that comes on is the “Charge” light in the dashboard. My next thought would be to remove the starter and have it tested but i was wondering if anyone out there had any other suggestions. If anyone has any ideas please don’t hesitate. Thanks.
you might have burned up your starter with the other battery, i really dont know what else it could be.
I don’t think there is such a thing as too strong a battery. They are all 12v and the starter will draw whatever amperage it needs regardless of how big the battery is. If you’re sure the battery isn’t dead, the next place to look is the starter. The starter or solenoid might have gone out coincidentally when you changed the battery to the “too strong” one.
There really is no such thing as a “too strong” battery unless you mean you used a 12V battery in a 6V car or a 24V battery in a 12V car. All the other numbers are the bigger the better.
I would start by removing and cleaning both ends of each battery cable, then reattaching them tightly. Clean what they attach to as well.
If you did use a higher voltage battery than it should have (very unlikely as six volt cars went out in the early 60’s and the only road vehicles I know that use 24 volts are military.) then you could have blown out the computers and many other parts in the electrical system.
My guess is a main fuse or maybe the silonoid is out.
The battery is not the problem. If the starter does not click when the key is turned then the problem is a neutral safety switch if an automatic transmission, possibly a blown fusible link, or bad ignition switch.
If it’s an automatic, try shifting into neutral and see if it will start.
It’s going to take a carefully measured approach to figuring it out rather than throwing parts at it and assuming.
You need to verify whether power is being provided to the starter solenoid through the small wire (black or black/white I think).
check ALL of your wiring and connections.
i had a similar occasional problem with a toyota corona MkII. the problem at least was obvious on inspection: a spade connector to the starter solenoid slipped off. this happened several times; it basically needed to be crimped tighter.
you may have a FAULTY, non-obvious wiring connection somewhere. (as well as the other possible problems cited above.)
Current is DRAWNED…NOT PUSHED. If the new battery is rated at 600cca, but you only need 300cca the car starter will only DRAW what amps it needs and no more. The ONLY way it could be the wrong battery is if it’s the wrong voltage…which I seriously doubt.
Put a Volt Meter on your starter relay to see if this relay is getting 12V when you try to start the engine. The voltage should spike up to 12V when you turn your key to the ignition position. If no voltage is present there is no possible that the car will start. This point on the starter relay should be a small wire. The larger wires on the starter relay go to the battery and to the starter. If the only voltage that can be measure is from the battery when the ignition key circuit or the neutral safety switch located on the side of the transmission may be electrically open. To solve this problem you have to trace down the voltage by first beginning at the starter relay.