I miss my old alignment guy

This leads to my “McDonalds alignment” theory:

Get it in the green, one and done!

No, I’m more picky, as a customer, and probably as an aligner.

It’s important to have a basic grasp of what happens toward either side of the green zone for each alignment parameter.

On my Honda, that green zone for the front toe is ± 0.08 degrees, 0 deg nominal.

For me, 0 degrees total toe, or even slightly negative toe out, and that car becomes a curve hungry twitch fest.

So I’d request total toe of +0.04-06 degrees in, and that car tracks like it’s on RAILS.

Suppose a car requires 4 degrees positive caster, + - 0.75 deg.

Mr. Quarter Pounder W Cheese sees that the left caster is positive 3.3 degrees, and the right caster, 4.5! That’s over 1 degree cross caster, and the car will pull to the left. Yet they say nothing to the customer, since both values are “within specs”.