I have a mazda3 2010 how good is the automatic transmission on this car?

Yeah I took those twice within a month. The only one I got wrong was what a dog was for. They didn’t teach lathe operation in economics or business courses. Onward onward. I’ve learned a lot since then

I can’t speak for anyone else, but I believe that this thread has devolved into meaningless trolling, and I am placing the OP on “ignore” status.


Apparently. Recently a friend was bemoaning the fact that his 11 year old car needed a $3600 repair. Said he’s be better off trading it in. I replied that $3600 wouldn’t even cover the sales tax on a new car, and the wise thing would be to fix it, drive it for a couple more years, and be money ahead. Then he told me it wouldn’t be paid off for another 2 years. How do you end up owing money on a 13 year old car?

Well guess what? He came back from the dealer not with a repaired 11 year old car, but a 2022 model that they were able to finance in such a way that actually lowered his car payment! This is what the problem is…not whether people are smart enough or able to repair their own cars, but the fact that people somehow think they’re better off doing stupid sh#t like this.


Where are the mystery Flaggers ? Itouring seems like just the type for them to go after.

Nah, I’ll get flagged first !

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I think he only comes here once a year.

I don’t know that the credit union would not finance a 14 year old car. I suspect they would. They do provide a lower interest rate for a couple year old car. But I haven’t financed anything for a good ten years. Just going by the flyers I get every month.

Depends on the credit union and how long of a loan, co-worker bought a 2011 Escape a year ago and it was as old of a vehicle his credit union would allow financing on.

lol …

IMHO cars are complicated, and modern cars are very complicated.
And while being strong probably helps speed up the process, repairing cars does not require Herculean strength. Levers and hydraulics and otherwise taking advantage of physics does most of the heavy lifting. If you have a desire to see the underside of your car, driving the front wheels up on store-bought ramps is usually the easiest for a beginner diy’er with a normal econobox type of car. Ramps however are difficult to use for some low slung sports cars. For those you have to use a floor jack. A lift makes some jobs considerably easier, but is seldom required for most diy’er work.

The OP is so full of BS, he says vehicles are easy, but yet he thought someone was damaging his GF’s car because the inner fender wells had come loose and the tire was rubbing them… Yeah, I am impressed with his smartness…


You were an Army wheeled vehicle mechanic, yet never a vehicle on a lift? You are full of $h1t.


When. I tried get approved for a car loan, the only place was willing to accept me without credit was an auction business. I bought the car in the Bronx.

But I was really lucky that day I was told. Because many people like myself got turned down that day, and I was told I might not get approved while I was there.

Inside of auction, there were over 100 people in queue and they had me wait for about 5 hours before I was finally seen by someone. He asked me if I already chose the car I wanted and I told him yes and he said he would take care of me but warned that many people have been turned down.

Then he came back and said “ I have good news. You get the car and your interest rate will be 18%.”

A dear friend was with me and handled most of the paperwork for me.

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In 1981 the standard bank rate for a car was 18%. Came down a couple years later but if you needed a car. . . And that was the bank. I’ve never been turned down for a loan. It would not be something I would easily forget or forgive. Even in 1975 they were still offering mortgages but they just wanted 50% down.

In 1983 we got a first mortgage with 10% down for 17.375%. The good news is we found a nice house in a good neighborhood that had been on the market for a while. I offered the owners what they paid for the house plus realtor fees. They jumped on it.

I guess timing is everything. In 1976 things had lossened up so we got 9% with 20% down. We owned the lot and did a lot of work ourselves to make the 20%. 17% would have been a killer. After that though it was like 6%, then 5% then we were offered 3% if we refinanced. I tried to figure out the hook but discovered later they just sold the paper to the gov and collected their money. Still, if you can’t make money with 3%, try a different game. I’ve never been afraid of debt until now.

if you take care of your car regularly, there’s a chance the automatic transmission will last for another 4 or 5 years.


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Possible Bot or ?? Looks like they/it posted a link and then removed it or something.?..
mazzani dot pl
Shows up under their TOP LINKS

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