It appears that my 2013 GMC Terrain SLT-1 4-cyl FWD automatically opens the vent blend doors after a few minutes with the engine off - which is the case overnight, every night. In my older vehicles, I was able to manually set this to be or remain in closed/recirculate mode while the car sits overnight. How can this be accomplished on my Terrain? I want to keep the outside air out and the inside air in. It never occurred to me that it wouldn’t stay in the setting I had it when I last changed it.
This has to be the first time for this subject . I fail to see a problem as we are not talking about a sealed unit.
Edit: In the morning when you open the door how will you keep the inside air from escaping and the outside air from going in the vehicle ?
That’s done so when you get back in the vehicle and slam the door shut you don’t blow your eardrums out.
I don’t think there’s a way to override it.
The operation of the system you described is done purposefully to allow any moisture that has collected around the A/C evaporator to evaporate back to the outside air and not collect in the car, thus avoiding mold and moisture issues. Also, no car should be completely airtight to avoid pressure issues when opening and closing the doors. The inlet (recirc) should partially open to ambient air when the system is shut down. That function is built into the control system and can’t be changed by the driver.
Have you ever changed cabin air filters? If not, then system is mostly closed already.