How long will a car last without oil?

Pretty much! I deal with these kinds of idiots with computers and such all the time. I am sorry to say but there are a lot more of them out there than you would ever imagine.

“she needed tires because cords were out and they were ready to blow” Anyone that drives on tires with cord showing most likely never bother to change the oil either. Her car was a ticking time bomb.

I always know I am in trouble when a customer states “It’s a good computer. I got it at Wal-Mart.” This is like saying I bought the cheapest product X where the only focus is on the price point. A expectations of quality, performance, and durability have been thrown out the window but it is still a good product. Usually these computers are just a complete mess with spilled soda, bug infestations, and even pet urine. I do sometimes get a cheapo unit in that is in excellent condition and looks like new but this is shocking and rare. Not I get an expensive Apple product in and it may be several years old but the customer brings it to me in the original box with all the packaging material intact like it was a new product.

I am sure the same it true with cars. One neglected issue means the whole thing is neglected. I often see total beaters that are missing and sound like there is no oil in the engine. I am sure these are on their last legs and won’t be around too long.