How long can you keep gasoline fresh?

Wes you better stock an extra supply of tinfoil, for the hats you and the fam will need!

Haha, kidding.

lol. I ve been saying I needed to get a pc of lead for the last 10 yrs and never have…

but the world does seem pretty volatile right now

Seriously though, those folks in New York running around trying to find a working gas station with a sixteenth of a tank of gas and the infra-structure flooded, probably wish they would have kept a little more gas in their cars and a can in the garage. Of course even when they know days in advance, some people just don’t get the idea of taking care of yourself.

Just get a really big lawn mower with a big tank and five feet of hose. That was kind of a joke. I’d rather have a spare car. I sorted nuts and bolts and threw some of my old steering wheel puller bolts out. I hope to never pull another steering wheel. We used to do that a lot to fix GM turn signals when the plastic part would break. Oh I have two kinds of bolts, too short and too long.