“Really? Just look at the number of people with $30k and up vehicles who don’t even realize it comes with an owners manual.”
It actually goes to a more basic level than ignoring the Owner’s Manual and/or not maintaining their leather.
We have had a significant number of posts over the years from people who have ignored their CEL for an extended period of time. The champion in this witless competition was a woman (from Maine, IIRC) who posted the following, a few years ago:
My CEL on my Suzuki has been lit up for the past 16 years. What could be wrong with it?
We constantly have posts from people complaining about a malfunction in their “well-maintained” car, but after we question that person, it turns out that the vehicle has received no maintenance whatsoever, with the exception of a few oil changes at extended intervals.
My neighbor–who is a very nice person–drives a Lexus RX, and I told her (and her husband) over a year ago that her left tail light was burned-out. It is still burned-out.
That RX actually has two tail lights on each side–one mounted adjacent to the rear window, and one mounted in the bumper. The first to burn out was the left-side one adjacent to the rear window. Now, a year or so later, the left-side one mounted in the bumper is also burned-out.
This morning, I watched her get ready to drive to work in a heavy snow storm.
What did she do?
She got into the car, turned on the wipers, and drove away.
Needless to say, all of the rear lights and her headlights were completely obscured by a heavy layer of snow, so the remaining functioning tail light on the right cannot even be seen by those who are driving behind her. If she gets rear-ended, I am sure that she will believe that the other person is totally at fault, and that she shares none of the blame.
The bottom line, IMHO, is that an incredible percentage of the population is either so incredibly lazy or so incredibly distracted by everything else in their lives that they pay very little attention to the vehicle that they need to transport them to…work…job interviews…scheduled medical appointments…and, perhaps even ER visits. Most of these folks will only focus on how their car functions when it ceases to function, and they will only focus on maintenance when it gets to the stage of needing major repairs. The slogan of these folks (which I have actually heard many people say) is, “All I know is that I put gas in it and it goes”.