Handicap and special Parking woes, any stories to add

Actually I think it would be interesting to see the real tears shed if a tow truck hooked up and towed their trucks away, complete with the jet ski.

You’re much kinder than I.
Arrogance and selfishness of the kind displayed by the truck owner evoke strong emotions in me.

Then there is Dan Quail who said he was not going to tour Latin America because “he did not speak Latin”.

Hey! That’s my truck and trailer and I swear those signs and handicapped spots weren’t there when I parked the truck.

Did the truck have a Handicap plate on it?Around here there are a few jacked up vehicles with HP tags.
I do not like Vigilantes,if you want a badge-get the training,we had tattle tale who took it upon himself to keep VDOT informed of any imagined CDL infractions,(there was a State trooper nest a few blocks down,)I was pulling out loaded one day at an intersection and this old bird crowded me so I smoked His fender(He thought He was going to get run over,I’m sorry but we had a job to do and we were being cautious and respectful-we didnt need big brother regulating us.
I firmly believe that expectant mothers,should be automatically granted a handicap placard,from the third trimester,till at least 6 months after delivery.
I applaud the people that park close to the diagonal parkers,if your vehicle is that precious.leave it in the garage

@kcmccune Not up on “smoked his fender” , translation possible?

Purposely drove so close to Him that He thought the truck wheel was going to rub,its an unequal contest,27 tons of steel and earth vs 1.5 tons of Chevy Cavalier(no I wasnt about to hit him,I just didnt want Him putting me in the ditch-loaded vehicles generally have the right of way)
Dont like tattletells anyway.

As a voice of restraint…do we know for sure that the guy blocking 3 HC spaces was doing so at a time the business served by those spaces was open? Parking there, Sunday, in a M-F business is…technically still illegal, I guess, but not morally culpable.

Hey! That's my truck and trailer and I swear those signs and handicapped spots weren't there when I parked the truck.
I went to a fast-food restaurant for breakfast once, after a 1/2" snowfall. You guessed it: HC spots marked ONLY on the pavement. By the time I came out, the sun had almost totally melted the snow, and I could see why I shouldn't have parked there! I had no mens rea, but don't know how I would've proved it retroactively--like the guy who stabbed his victims with an icicle, my evidence had melted away.

P.S. Do any of you believe there’s any moral obligation to honor any of those OTHER parking restrictions? (Hybrid vehicles, electric vehicles, etc.) I don’t! 1) There not legally enforceable, and seem 2) To be a sop to those who can afford to buy newer vehicles, implying 3) Class bias. I love hybrid parking spaces in the City…enough folks honor them that I’ve always got a place to park my F150!

(Though it must be noted…I have a MT and have disconnected the clutch safety interlock. This means I can move my vehicle via the starter motor alone, making it…rather technically speaking…a hybrid, having both ICE and electric propulsion.)

I do not mind the spots reserved for seniors, the hybrid only, well some consolation for going green I suppose. Vet parking, sure why not. Evidently there are people that think less walking is a perk. I could qualify for senior, but leave it for someone who needs it I say. Did not qualify for military duty, but honor the guys who did, and served fine.

I love at the gym people will wait for a first row parking spot and clog traffic, so they can go exercise!

I love at the gym people will wait for a first row parking spot and clog traffic, so they can go exercise!
Some people hate the outside world, and will go to any lengths to avoid it. I cannot fathom why someone would use a stairclimber on a nice day, with plenty of county parks within reach.

It’s ironic that we’ve created a generation that’s so gung-ho about the “environment,” while simultaneously doing anything in their power to avoid actually interacting with it…

NH statutes require that the HC designation be both painted on the pavement and posted on a post or building.

Re; the hybrid spaces… I’m fed up with these self-anointed guardians of the universe demanding special privileges, There’s absolutely no reason a hybrid driver should have a special space. It’s pure BS. It comes from a self serving nonprofit (read: feeding at the public trough) organization called LEEDs (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) standards, developed by the U.S. Green Building Council (can you hear the sucking at the public troughs?).

NH built a state building (a liquor store) in Nashua a few year ago and put reserved hybrid spaces next to the front door, moving the handicapped spaces away to the corner in order to comply with LEED requirements. All hell broke loose. Can you imagine some poor double amputee from the Viet Nam war having to plow his wheelchair through the snow so that some pompous a****** with a Prius can park next to the door?

The college I retired from built a new building to LEED standards. The windows don’t open on the addition. In spring and fall when the weather is beautiful, the classrooms in the old building have the heat and AC off and the windows open. In the new building, either the heat or the AC is constantly running, and nobody can get the rooms comfortable… or get any fresh air in them.

The relationships between all of these “green” organizations is incestuous, sucks millions upon millions from the public troughs, and causes nothing but problems. It’s time to end all this silliness. And apply the funds against the deficit.

If someone has a better idea, it’ll be marketable. Pull the public plug. The organizations with the really better ideas, the ones with design ideas that will actually save money, will prosper, and the others will dry up and blow away. Watch them disappear in droves.

@the_same_mountainbike re"read: feeding at the public trough" Corporate twelfare costs more than a social safety net. Sure what have I lost personally? A mining bill changed from it is proven safe to fill in the wetlands and rivers and do not worry about suphide mining that creates sulphuric acid. eliminate state funding for recycling, deny municipalities to control frack sand mines and cell towers, reverse Milwaukee referendum to providesick pay. eliminate union bargaining, eliminated damages for discrimination, hold max damages for negligence to corporations at 150k . Open for business your scott walker had 6 former employees indicted on federal charges, Run Scott run, and the bumper sticker is on my front bumper!

I’m a vocal opponent of corporate welfare too.
As I’ve repeatedly argued, the Clean Air and Water Act and its regulatory agency, the EPA, did a great deal of good in the early years. But they’re out of control now. It’s become about exercising political power rather than actually doing environmental good. Unfortunately, the backlash has had effects such as those you mention, that drive things backwards.

Re: the damages, tort law desperately needs reform, but since legislation is written by lobbyists and “pushed” by lobbyists, the tort reform that is being promulgated is protecting corporations hat should be put out of business rather than protecting the proletariat from being destroyed by unrealistic awards. It’s limiting liability for multibillion dollar corporations that knowingly destroy individuals while allowing the less scrupulous among us to sue a small bike manufacturer for millions because they rode their mountainbikes off a cliff and hurt themselves. Or suing because they spilled their coffee on their laps while driving.

As it applies to the subject at hand, HC parking spaces, the ADA recommendations are being ignored and bastardized versions created for silliness like reserved hybrid parking. And two story classroom buildings without windows that open. It’s analogous to designing a car with windows that don’t open to try to totally control the environment artificially. Man made environmental controls, heat and AC, should be supplements to natural environmental controls, like windows that open, and even sunroofs and the old vent windows… there are other well known passive techniques to control building environments, but I’ll try to spin this back around to cars. I’m the one that wandered off, I’ll try to be responsible and bring it back around to cars.


  1. What, if anything, does your post have to do with cars?
  2. What, if anything, does your post have to do with TSMB’s post preceding?

He posted about the folly of bleeding off public funds for the like of the LEED standards, that don’t necessarily produce anything of value, and you counter with a lament about the demise of the social safety net. As best I can decipher, that’s a total non-sequiter…except, perhaps, that the political wing most associated with stopping LEED is (generally) also associated with de-funding stuff like food stamps.

But…so what? most thinking people reserve the right to pick and choose their causes, cafeteria-style…hopefully, with the ocassional “reality check” thrown in, to see that they’re not simultaneously holding mutually-exclusive beliefs.

Show me someone who sees things as “100% party left” or “100% party right”…and I’ll show you someone who abdicated their critical thought process to outsiders, a long time ago.

Joe, I’m fine with it. If anyone took the conversation away from car-related subject matter, it was me when I strayed from the HC spaces and hybrid spaces to the buildings themselves, and I apologize to everyone for that. I should have stuck with the spaces themselves. I just get so frustrated at having to get out of the car and remove shopping carts, and at not having a space available because some troglodyte has parked across the spaces without even a permit, that I guess I needed to blow off some steam. Walking hurts for me. Every step is painful, and if I have to walk too far I begin to run out of breath and get dizzy (two heart attacks, both M.I.s). The doctors can’t even run an echocardiogram on me. The last time they tried they had to abort the test almost immediately and give me something to help stabilize my heart. Oops, I’m drifting off-topic again. Someone slap me.

Today, again, I had to clear a handicap space of someone’s shopping cart. Some people just don’t care.

The Electric vehicle only spaces are to allow the owner to charge up the vehicle while visiting the store, In Washington State you can get a $124 fine for parking in one of those spaces, even with a Tesla or Leaf if you aren’t charging at that point. Where I work the E/V spaces are right next to the outlet added to the base of a light pole where the charging cords won’t be in someone’s way. Regularly taken up by people who just don’t care.


Not in NH they aren’t. They’re only there to encourage the purchase of hybrids/EVs. No charging plugins.

Oh boy stop me. I don’t care if they have EV spaces or compact only spaces, but put them toward the back of the lot, not in front, that’s all. Its a privilege so whats wrong with them walking a little for the benefit?

As far as the left/right thing, I totally agree. I pick some left and some right stuff and really dislike those in the parties that have to tow to the whole party platform. Its disgusting. In Minnesota we have a $2 billion surplus. The left wants to spend the whole thing and the right wants to give it all back. I say do we have to spend it all? Can’t we just save it for the next downfall like we used to do? And it was under a demo Gov that we even started a $500 mil rainy day fund but that was back in the old days when we had statesmen instead of party followers.

One of the big things is the money for roads and bridges but they tell how many billions are needed over the next ten years but then forget the first part of the equation-where is the money being spent now? Funding is very complicated but there is virtually no effort made to explain where the billions are being diverted to now and to explain the shortfall. Some of us believe it is being diverted away from roads. So all we need is a couple pages of simple charts and graphs and then we can talk about the best way to collect the money.

Just saying the time is gone to just expect that more money is the answer without having to put a pencil to it and justify the expense.

Oh boy stop me. I don't care if they have EV spaces or compact only spaces, but put them toward the back of the lot, not in front, that's all. Its a privilege so whats wrong with them walking a little for the benefit?

I’m sure there are many people with EV’s that have HDCP plates. I know at least one.

Several of the parking garages in Boston have spaces and outlets for EV’s. They’re not taking up any HDCP spots.

As long as they don’t push the HC spaces aside for the hybrid spaces, like they did in Nashua, I’m fine with it… although I still think it’s BS unless they have recharging outlets. Spots reserved for hybrids and EVs that have outlets have a legitimate reason for their designations.

Truth is, businesses, those that lay out parking lots, and building inspectors who approve them, don’t seem to give a damn about the HC spaces. KFC in Hooksett put them behind the building next to the garbage hoppers. I requested of the kid that was the “manager” that he forward my complaint to the franchise owner, but he just grinned politely and said they’ve had lots of complaints about the HC spaces. The franchisee owner probably lives in Florida or NJ someplace. Many places have them off in the corner of the parking lot, or on the other side of the lot away from the door (Home Goods in Bedford is like this). It’s as if they don’t want their real customers to have to see handicapped people. Yeah, this all violates the state’s ADA regulations, but there’s no repercussions whatsoever. The people that lay out the lots should be accountable in some manner, or perhaps the local building inspectors who approve the plans, but nobody is.