Robert-you don’t get it. If anything unexpected happens, regardless of cause, you are in trouble because it happened while you were doing something illegal, no matter how well-intentioned.
No. That is more difficult and then I have to try to get back into the lane and may impede other traffic coming from behind.
If only one lane, usually I going the speed limit. I don’t want to be slowing everyone behind me.
What is going to happen?
No oncoming traffic.
No one at the intersection.
Correct, purpose does not matter.
Years ago at night southwest of Detroit, I gave 10-seconds of left signal before I began to decelerate. Continued signal as I decelerated.
No oncoming traffic.
As I began the lefturn, signal still operating, was almost hit by someone from behind PASSING the vehicle behind me and me.
Can you provide statistics for
- saves fuel
2, saves pollution
3; saves rear end collision
No stats.
But by not slowing all those trucks, it can’t help but save fuel, which reduces pollution, especially when they have an up grade beyond the lefturn.
There have been a number of rear-end collisions behind vehicles turning left.
Some cities haveven stopped lefturns at some intersctions because of traffic impediment and rear-end collisions.
If there’s so much traffic on the road that you can’t pull right to let someone go by before turning left without slowing someone else when you pull back on the road, then how the heck is it safe to pull off to the left?
There are highways where I will not even attempt a left turn simply because I feel like a sitting duck on my motorcycle. Unless there is absolutely nobody behind me and no one is coming, I’ll go a little farther down the highway, wait until I can safely make a U-turn and make a right turn coming back.
(One can easily see if traffic is coming athem from in front.
If no one is approaching from ahead, you move into that vacant lane and turn left. Essentially you are making thempty lane into a lefturn lane.)
I have also done this on my Kawasaki 650.
Am concerned if those approaching from behind notice me.
We’ve had some deaths where the automobile driver did the bike slowing ahead and rear-ended the lefturning biker.
Automobile driver’s fault, but biker istill dead.
Correct, Ed B.
I will not cease this safe practice which saves much fuel, pollution, and possible rear-end collisions of those behind having to decelerate and stop. (That happens!)
And no, you will not see an Expedition or Camry Hybrid doing 110 in your lane.
Not knowing what you wouldo, I slow before catching up to traffic.
I’ll be in the leftmost lane. Hopefully you won’t be traveling in the left lane unless passing someone.
The roads are filled with drivers who practice their own set of driving rules for what ever contrived reason. Infallibility always enters into it as well as an over estimation of their skills. I hope that dealing with robt and his illegal attempts at rewriting the road laws gives us all a little pause. Yes, therE are drivers out there who actually drive into on coming traffic lanes and think they are correct. Isolated instances and emergencies sure; but as a matter of course under their own set of “co dependent guild lines”? Save us all!
My wife, from China, just said they also do this in China!
And here I thought it was merely MY idea.
Now if I can get a lot of STOP signs changed to YIELD signs, that will also save more fuel and lessen pollution.
The best green driving tip I can think of is to carpool. Make sure your car always has three or more people in it during commutes.
A one man crusade to adopt Chinese traffic laws and save the world by driving through intersections. Sounds like a plan.
I have gotten a few STOP signs changed to YIELD signs!
I inform the municipality’s traffic engineering department thathe intersection meets the requirements for a YIELD sign.
They inspect the intersections.
When it met their requirements: visibility, distance from other intersections, curves, etc, they changed it!
Aurora, Colorado has many YIELD signs where others have STOP signs.
Upon my petition, Littleton, Colorado installed a RIGHT GREEN ARROW on a busy arterial
Before, it was RIGHTURN ON RED. Huge morning traffic back-ups occurred.
Now, when the crossstreet has LEFT GREEN ARROWS the backed-up street has a RIGHT GREEN ARROW (and still has RIGHTURN ON RED)
What a difference it has made. Several neighbors have thanked me.
Well, I am. It’s common to see on rural roads with no traffic on the side street or oncoming. I don’t do it myself, but it doesn’t surprise me when people do.
This too is extremely dangerous if someone in that long line of cars happens to be drunk. Also, by the time I slow down enough to safely pull over to the gravel shoulder, and then do it, I could have turned already.
I LOVE their COUNT-DOWN signals:
(GREEN: 33, 32, 31,… 03, 02, 01 -YELLOW-, then RED: 46, 45, 44…)
As I am approaching the intersection, I can determine that I will not make the green signal, so I start coasting. Saves fuel, less pollution less brake wear.
You continue around the corner and merge in with through-traffic.
Yes, the through-vehicles must often accomodate the righturn, but they understand and help and no problem.
We now have COUNT-DOWN CROSSWALK SIGNALS (no colors) which I use to save fuel and brakes.
So Littleton is now Little China ? :=)
"So Littleton is now Little China ? :=)"
Getting there!
(The RIGHT GREEN ARROW is not steady, as in China.
It illuminates only when the crosstreet has LEFTURN ARROWS)
Denver is putting in the COUNT-DOWN WALK SIGNALS.
And Aurora now has a flashing YELLOW LEFT ARROW instead of a steady RED left arrow prohibiting left turns.
Carpooling…Ahhh, now the pressure is on to check with the passengers before driving in the other lane. A real good conversation starter if everyone survives; as long as the driver recovers his hearing from the screaming coming from the back seat.
I don’t know if this is “green,” but I’ve always believed that the greenest way to drive is in a hydrogen-powered car. (With synthetic oil…)