Getting scammed on repairs?

I suppose so, but there is definitely not internal damage it is all external.

I see the word ā€œsupportā€ a couple places on the parts invoice. Those are internal when compared to the external sheet metal. the supports connect to other mounts and supports and when one gets tweaked, it often takes others with it.

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gotcha, thank you for clarifying, just frustrated that this wasnā€™t communicated by the mechanic. Iā€™ve literally received zero communication and he has avoided me at public outings for a mutual hobby we share which is why Iā€™ve been feeling skeptical. I will push forward and learn from this experience.

Note: I believe some Toyotas are under recall for the front bumper cover. Google to see the details. Also the topic of a recent thread here. If the recall applies to your Rav 4, some compensation from Toyota might be available. I doubt this applies, but seems worthwhile to take the time to know for sure.

I will look into that, thank you!

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If you dont take the route i suggested, which is to retain a lawyer, then you need to make this so-called friend afraid of what you are capable of doing to him, up to and including causing him physical harm. Some of the responses youā€™ve gotten assume heā€™s an upstanding individual. Heā€™s not. I say go crazy on the guy.

As far as reporting income, you pay income tax on income not expenses. So it is gross minus expense for net income. Plus you really donā€™t report this until tax time. Maybe some locals restrict a guy from replacing body panels but until there is painting going on, no one really cares. I would not go down this route. Bad things can happen.

Now my transmission guy failed to pay sales tax that he collected and was into the state for half a million. Different story.

Letā€™s not turn this into a pā€¦ā€¦. Match between two relatives. Feds have been known to show up at 4 am because you showed signs of being a threat to yourself or others. That could cost $20,000 in legal fees trying to extricate yourself.

Ride it out and yeah some parts can be unavailable at this point. Type of car, picture of the damage, etc. would be nice.

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Screw that, this guy sounds like a tool lol I try to assume positive intentions and try to contribute things to malice when he could just be negligent or lazy. I kno you said this is a good friend but you could always check his record on sites like or this site showed me you can dig through much of the same public records on your own
If they still wonā€™t cough up the info, tell 'em youā€™ll take it to small claims and want your money back asap.