Get rid of the federal fuel tax and the highway trust fund

I agree with that. I’ve ridden on roads in eastern Pennsylvania that made me want to smack a politician.


only smack them?? I have a new rule voting for our idiots in Harrisburg, vote out whoever was there unless they could actually demonstrate that they’ve been useful while in office…so far I have yet to vote for an incumbent…the back roads around my house are terrible because most of them are long overdue for a real repaving, but they keep using chips and oil due to cost even though the Amish Buggies cut through those roads like a hot knife through butter

The wheels of Amish buggies destroy just about any road surface you can think of. They’ll rut concrete eventually.
One of the benefits of pneumatic tires is that they are gentle to the road surfaces they roll over.
Maybe the roads in those areas should have gravel or dirt shoulders for the buggy traffic, plows with iron wheels, horses with steel horseshoes, etc and “Pneumatic Tires Only On Pavement” signs on the sides of the roads.

Don’t they use rubber balloon tires on their buggies? I would think the horse shoes don’t help much either. Hopefully there is an EPA regulation for collecting the emissions though.

If not, that is one regulation I’d like to see. Recently down-sized EPA workers could be issued shovels and brooms and with probably only a couple weeks training, could be on the job at the south end of horses heading north.


Or they could be trained to take some of those new coal jobs. Nothing wrong with getting your hands dirty-builds character.

Bush could have made the Iraq war inure to the benefit of our infrastructure by impressing Iraqis to do the work, as Stalin wanted to do with millions of Germans to re-build Russia after WW2.

We used German POWs (as in in Minnesota and Iowa and other states) to help with canning factories and food production. They liked it here and were happy to get away from the war. I think some worked at the Spam plant too. Many of them were taken to church and Sunday dinner by local German families and then returned to their barracks. Only two ever tried to escape. My dad was an interpreter to tell them what the foreman wanted done since they didn’t speak English. It’s a very interesting story all around with a POW museum in Iowa but not related much to cars except they didn’t build any during the war.

So, far, troll, you’ve said you want to disband the US military, get rid of all nukes, and “impress” foreigners to work on chain gangs in the US, so that we can save on road taxes.

First off, your opinions are SO extreme it’s hard to believe you actually mean them; seems more plausible by far to think you’re “stirring up the latrine” for your own personal amusement: wind us up and watch us go!

Assuming there’s a tiny chance you actually believe what you’re saying, however, I have to point out the combination of “no military” plus “abduct foreigners and put 'em on a chain gang” is VERY ill-considered, for reasons that ought to be obvious!


Clearly, Random Troll picked a very appropriate screen name . . . ! :stuck_out_tongue:

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I don’t want anyone to ‘go’. I made a simple suggestion; it’s the title of the thread. I hoped that people would think about it and argue against it (because roads inure to the benefit of everyone) or for it (because they’d rather build the roads they want in their own state thus collect their own fuel taxes - or because they don’t like paying any taxes). I can support either. I live in NM: we benefit more from the Federal fuel tax than Rhode Islanders. That doesn’t make it the best policy for the nation. The real best policy is the one the majority of citizens support after they’ve gotten enough facts to decide wisely and thought about it logically. I hoped to stimulate us to adduce some facts and think about it.

I’m surprised at all the tangential sentiment it’s stimulated. Then again, after the hundreds of messages about manual chokes, perhaps I shouldn’t have been.

That it’s irony ought to be obvious. I meant to point out how far the thread had diverged from its premise, that I had to reach so far to make Mr @Whitey’s comment about Bush relevant.