Ford taurus 2000 noise after driving

I just bought this car from a estate has a hundred and ten thousand miles. I’m a postal the mechanic that works mail trucks and have not worked on any issues like this before. I didn’t know if somebody else might have worked on tauruses that had a similar problem or know about this issue or if its even anything to be worried about.

after driving when I park it in the garage. it sounds like it’s hot but there is no smell there is a sound every few seconds until something cools down. at least I think this is what the noise is if anyone had body has any insight please let me know. dual overhead cam engine.

thanks for your help

What does hot sound like? I had a 2000 taurus. Worked ok for a while but eventually it had to go. Does it sound like hissing? Bubbling? or a mechanical sound like a fan running?

My Toyota’s make clinking noises from the exhaust when hot and it’s turned off. When we got the Corolla the wife made me go down to the garage listen to it. It goes away after it cools down.

it is a clinking noise two times ins a row pause a few more and so one for a few minutes until car is cooled down.

Can you figure out where the noise is coming from? If it’s in the engine compartment, maybe the relay for your cooling fan isn’t working properly.

It could be a damaged heat shield on the exhaust which changes its shape a bit as it cools down and pops as the metal returns to form…

I think that what you hear is the hot exhaust manifolds. A very common problem and could happen with any car.
As the engine heats up while you drive it…the heated metal expands,
Then when you park it these manifolds retract back to their cold positions and you hear the reaction as two parts struggling against one another.

Just ask the mechanic to check the true temperature of the engine as opposed to what the temp gauge is reading. He can do this with his scan tool while taking a ride with it hooked up, and as long as the temperature is within spec’s, there is nothing to worry about.


Thank you. I will check the temps difference