'First or second?'

I was waiting to cross Lead on Wellesley southbound (there’s a light) on my bicycle. A motorist stopped next to me and asked, ‘First or second?’

Oooo Kaaaay, I don’t understand it. Maybe you do. Or is this a nonsensical joke like:

An elephant and a bear are in a bathtub. The elephant says pass the soap and the bear responds no soap, radio.

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I heard it with 2 hyenas.

The motorist was asking me whether I wanted to cross the intersection before or after him.

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The car driver was going to make a right turn?

If ever in question, the person with the bigger vehicle has the right a way… Don’t care what the law says, if you lose, you lose…


I hope he was being polite. Doesn’t the guy with the gun win?

That gets into a whole other discussion, like who has the bigger gun, or who is the better shot, who has the gun locked and loaded vs locked in the glove box or carrying case etc etc?? :joy:

You maybe watch too many movies…

I dunno. We’ve had several shootings in my county this year, and that used to be very rare. All but one of the perps has been captured. A couple of them had ankle monitors on too. It looks like the police or whoever monitors the monitors has to figure out how to do it better. I’m concerned that the last murder had been busted for firearm violation twice before and he’s 18. How was he not in jail?

Then the guy with the gun didn’t “win” did he?

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