Final solution - Cell phone jammers

I hate that the jammer is illegal. My second job is at a sandwich shop where there is a lot of interaction with the customers; beginning with the order taking. In order to properly process the order from beginning to end, we have to ask a lot of questions. It is extremely annoying when the customer is standing there talking on the phone & they won’t hang up, or worse, they hold up one finger in the universal “just a minute” sign. I guaranty that is a sure fire way to p*&^s off the person who is making your food and taking your money. LOL For a minute I thought I had the perfect solution. OH WELL!

In your case of the customer paying no attention to you, all you do to make your point is state…
" next in line please "

The other day I was standing in line at a sandwich shop, and the person in front of me was yacking away on the phone while everyone was standing around waiting for her to tell the girl behind the counter what she wanted on her sandwich. I bellowed to the women, “You’re beginning to chap my a##.” She got the hint and placed her caller on hold while she finished her order.

If I had been behind the counter, I would have moved on to the next customer without any prodding.

Dear, Metalhead999. Has it occurred to you that by interfering with cell phones you may be causing drivers to become even more distracted as they fuss and fiddle with the device trying to figure out what’s wrong with it ? Not to mention the anger/frustration factor. Do we really need more of that on the road ways ? Besides, it’s a Federal Offense in interfere with an individual’s right toe send and receive electronic communications. How would you look in, Orange ? :slight_smile:

To the Community in general:

When I see distracted or erratic operation I call the cops and report it using my hands free device. I know. No one wants to be a rat or maybe have to go to court but would you rather go to the hospital because of some idiot playing with his/her cell phone or other gotta have device ? There are a lot more drivers than cops on the road and they almost always appreciate a cheap pinch :slight_smile: They can’t be every where but if we, The Public, report drivers who are clearly endangering themselves and others we can perhaps save a life and it may well be our own.

Wouldn’t it be nice if it always worked out that way?

Just making cell ph use illegal is not enough. We can make all the laws we want, but where the laws/litigation process falls apart is enforcement. Once a few folks land a night in jail or get hit with severe insurance increases, they’ll come around. But in the meantime, cell phones or not, when it comes to distractions where does one draw the line? Scarfing down a Burrito, applying Mascara, studying for Geometry quiz, smoking… Most people simply cannot multi-task and their lack of function or succumbing to distractions [known to themselves or not] is what places themselves and others [innocent drivers] at risk. The less drivers are distracted the safer roadway will be.

Jamming a cell should not be construed as an illegal idea, but a solution along those lines could be viable. Seriously, if people know a law exists (presuming a law like this for celly’s gets passed) and are fully aware of consequences of use while driving, then so be it, but… laws need to be enforced, just don’t add them passively to the books. It was not that long ago we all got by just fine in life without the added distraction of cell phones. So, why not have a diss-abler of sorts that functions to shut down or locks out your cell use when you “turn on the ignition” as a mandated safety feature? Really, seriously, are we that married to those blasted phones?

Placing a hazard sticker on cell phones stating ‘use of cell phone while driving may cause injury or death’ won’t do much to gain attention or curtail the problem. But once drivers are caught, jailed or done 8+ hours of driving school solely on the topic of(you guessed it) driving distractions, and have their insurance rate jacked up as result, most likely they will pay more attention to the problems of cell ph use and other distractions.

“Once a few folks land a night in jail or get hit with severe insurance increases, they’ll come around.”

Maybe…DWI is most states is pretty severe…but you can find drunks every day in every city driving around…

But I’m with you…Pass all the laws you want…they have to be enforced…

drive like I ride - assume every other car is out to get you, you’ll be prepared when they try

In lieu of the cell phone jammer - install a very loud horn that sound like a freight-train horn, get close & let it rip - on the other hand they may panic & cause a wreck !!

It would be easier to disable the phone by using the GPS features on many phones. Over 10mph the phone is inoperable other than 911. There are currently a couple of apps that will do this. They’re mostly designed for parents to install on phones to protect their kids while driving.

Great app…

But MOST people don’t own phones with GPS on them…Maybe in 5 years they will. But then there’s the problem…of my wife using HER phone while I’m driving. I’m sure most people wouldn’t want that.

“shadowfax October 2010 Report
That’s because it’s not illegal to buy or own one. …
Similarly, it’s legal to buy and own a gun”

All depends on where you live, and what kind of gun you like. As of this writing, there’s no legal way to buy a pistol in Washington, DC.

“RayG July 15 Report
It would be easier to disable the phone by using the GPS features on many phones. Over 10mph the phone is inoperable other than 911.”

So now you want to make it illegal for passengers to use cell phones? Really?

It seems to me that jamming the phones would cause more fiddling. Hmm why isnt this thing working…maybe if i cycle it…nope…maybe i should pull the sim card for a couple minutes… Yep that worked as your no longer 100 ft away. I think your observation of less use is false

“RayG July 15 Report
It would be easier to disable the phone by using the GPS features on many phones. Over 10mph the phone is inoperable other than 911.”

So now you want to make it illegal for passengers to use cell phones? Really?

I believe there are already apps that will do this. It’s for parents who have young drivers, and who may not always have passengers. But based on the teenagers I relate to, ANYONE in the car texting or talking on a cel, is distracting to the driver. It’s bad enough at a dinner table that ISN’T going 60mph…

Hire traffic monitors to stand at intersections and take photographs and license plate #'s of drivers using cell phones, texting etc.
Then mail them big fat tickets.

Go down to K St. in DC where all the lawyers and lobbyists prowl and Traffic Enforcement could rake in more dough than the red light cameras.