Extremely uncomfortable seat new 2018 Hyundai Tucson

When someone revives an old thread, it seems to be the default response of several people on here to say “Hey, this thread is old” in a way that condescends the person who revived the thread (though I might argue that ‘duh’ is also a bit condescending).

My point is not to take the bait when you see these; there’s nothing wrong with reviving an old thread, in the very small chance that you do get a follow-up. Unfortunately though, this doesn’t always jive with some people’s ideas about how these forums are supposed to be used…


I don’t necessarily mind old threads being revived if the new poster has new and helpful information toward’s the OP’s problem. What gets really confusing is when you have a 9 year old post about a strange noise being made by 2009 Tahoe, and then someone jumping in years later about their 14 Forester also making a noise that may or may not be similar. Then you have people responding to both the newer poster as well as the older poster, basically turning the thread into mush trying to figure out who’s responding to what. (add in how many of these new posters often don’t respond again…)


You will get zero argument from me on that. :smiley: