EPA SMOG Detectors

“Or, since engine exhaust gets hotter with more efficiency”

Not true. Internal combustion engines are heat engines. They turn (some of the) heat into mechanical work. If a bigger fraction of the heat gets turned into work there will be less left to go in the exhaust. Just take a gasoline engine and retard the timing. The efficiency will drop and the exhaust will get hotter.

Visit here: http://exhaust-gas-analyzer.com

OBD II downloads, replacing tailpipe testing in many states, do not test the emission of the engine. They only check to see if the diagnostic system has detected and stored any erroneous signals from the car’s emissions systems sensors and controls.

Personally, I think the better emissions test is the sensor in the tailpipe. However it’s all moot so long as Diesel trucks are allowed unchecked to pump many thousands of times as much emissions as cars do. Realize that that statement takes into account that the typical car is only emitting a few hours each day, while diesels are emitting anywhere from eight to 24 hours a day continuously.

Shakespirit, you have a strange way of thanking those who try to help you.

How can a few “tuners” ruin the AIR, when so many fools follow the Righteous Leaders?

Shakespirit, in case you didn’t know, righteousness is a virtue. One who is righteous does what it right. We would be foolish NOT to follow righteous leaders.

Using a dictionary might prevent embarrassing faux pas like this in the future.

Read about the specs on a BAR97 emission analyzer.You will have to read for yourself

Maybe, But let me think about that overnight!

Does the catalitic converter purify gasses with Platinum, or is the Platinum coated Screen needed to prevent burning a hole in the screen, since it is intended to get “white” hot to burn carbons? Platinum has a very high melting point!
And, how much Platinum Metal does it contain at $2200 per ounce, if it only costs $200, installed?

Jeremy & Gypsy? If so, send me your e-mail address!
I miss my hugs and got lots to talk about!
Someone stole my UFO!

I invented “SPELL CHECK” during an Interview with a WORD PROCESSOR Maker about 20 years ago.
But, I didn’t get the job!
So, why not build one into this Web Site, if you know how!