Driving Around is Unpatriotic

Its called being FREE to do what pleases us!!!

Your right that joy riding is not a good idea but driving when necessary is a good idea or we would not have cars. duhhhhh

Sieg Heil!! So, you’re saying that people should not enjoy the fruits of their labor? So what if I want to go to a cruise night on the weekend. So what if I want to burn up some gas by making a few passes down the drag strip (new personal best 12.80 last weekend BTW).You work hard, you play hard. Fortunately I make good enough money that has allowed me to pay for my cars in cash and own my home free and clear. I have no debt of any kind. And I turned 31 last week. If I want to drive around for fun, I will do it. Not everyone likes to drive small, underpowered, dull econoboxes, and we are fortunate in this country that fuel taxes are reasonable enough so that people of average means have wide selection of vehicles to choose from.

Oil will become economically unviable well before we actually “run out” of the stuff.

Calling those red-blooded Americans who don’t agree with you “unpatriotic” is contemptible…and hazardous to your health. Grow up.

  1. There is probably nothing more uniquely American than getting in your car and going for a long, ambling, leisurely cruise. (Although the Germans love their Autobahn too)

  2. Certainly some of your money is going overseas when you buy gasoline. Perhaps buying from countries that use more American oil than foreign is the answer. Ironically, BP is one of them I believe. Citgo is also supposed to use a low amount of imported oil. Although no matter who you buy from, you’re still supporting a company that is making billions while people struggle to get by.

  3. Calling people unpatriotic and/or trying to get them to drive less by these tactics is about as useful as trying get someone to give up their firearms.

  4. Unless you drive a true classic, odds are a large portion if it is made in a foreign land as well. And sadly, some of the 70’s cars were made with imported Japanese steel. There’s probably nothing more unpatriotic than lashing out at people for driving too much and then going to Wal-mart and buying a bunch of crap made in China to save money.

Point? No I’m not sure I have one… just rambling.

Let the flames begin!

**I meant “companies” that use more American oil, not countries.