Dodge B250 Conversion Van (Hightop)

Van starts very strong. As soon as put it into gear, strange noises (like a rodent stranded - I checked). Then it throttles back to a sputter. When I press the gas, it shakes - just a little. And then does

NOT MOVE AT ALL. About a year ago I took it to WALMART for an oil change and they over filled it by 5 quarts of lightweight oil. Since then it has not functioned proper at all. (Of course the mega hundred billion dollar WALMART denied and refused all claims). Then in November, it seems to have gotten worse. And since Mid-January, it has been parked.

Walmart killed your van. SUE THEM. Overfilling a vehicle by 5 quarts is inexcusable.Anyone who can read should know better. SUE THEM.

also, never take any vehicle you value to walmart for anything. They will hire anyone to work in the tire and lube section… and seem to prefer hiring idiots and those with absolutely no experience working on cars… or working period