Do any modern cars have 2-side gas fill-up capability?

Filler caps on both the left and right side of the car. So you can pull up to the gas pump on either side? If I had to live w/a complicated design, I’d rather have that than power windows.

No, No, No,… minimum post

Nope. Last one was the Jaguar XJ, but I don’t know if the tanks were linked.


I think the tanks were linked… based on Wheeler Dealers episode.

Edit: Two fuel pumps, one in each tank, no crossover hose

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I was thinking one tank w/two filler ports. The Jag has two separate tanks?


I can think of no cars with one tank and two fillers, past or present.

A 1934 MG K3 Magnette has two fillers with one tank but it was a road legal race car.

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1949 Riley RMB, one tank, two fillers.


Why would you want this? Just go to a pump with a hose long enough to reach either side.


Not so easy to find. The only place I’ve ever seen one explicitly designed for that was off the NJ Turnpike.

Long story short of a mess I had - surprise snow storm a few years back. Power out all over. Lines for left-fill tanks (which I have) were insane. Right fill, not so much, so I went right-fill (left of the pumps). Damned hose wouldn’t reach around. Luckily I was also filling cans for the generator, so … fill a 5’er - go around and dump it in the gas tank. I apologized to the people behind me…

Huh? Nearly every pump I can remember has a hose long enough. I pump gas at Sam’s Club and nearly always park with the filler away from the pump because the other side is always full of cars. The hose will reach the Mustang and truck without rubbing the paint on either.

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My '63 Lincoln has the gas filler behind the rear license plate where it’s accessible from either side.


My 74 olds and 81 olds had it in the center in back which made great sense. Can’t remember the 86 Buick or other cars. Seems nutsvto have two filler tubes though.

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Ok, well my experience has been the opposite.

I suspect the rear fill locations, behind the license plate or behind a tail light were eliminated due to safety concerns.
I had one vehicle with two filler tubes. 72 CJ5, but it had two tanks, ten gallon auxiliary tank under the drivers seat, had a valve to switch from main tank to auxiliary.


The extra-long hoses are also used at Costco’s gas stations, but none of the other stations in my area have the same feature.


Costco=boomer=stay off my lawn

I was at Costco last Saturday at 10:30am and the lot was completely full with multiple generations of shoppers. Boomers aren’t the only ones that want to save money.


HUH? Costco, Sams, BJ’s all have people shopping there from all ages and nationalities.


It’s unfortunate that we live in an age where some folks don’t even know - or want go - where their fuel fuller is located.

Hint: it’s indicated near the fuel gauge in your instrument cluster people!

Even EVs where the plug is on one side should have that arrow on the dash cluster.