Discounts are back

If they go all the way and start manufacturing versions w/o A/C, and with hand-cranked windows, then they can build-up a 3 year inventory of unsold vehicles.

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In about 1973 I drove a couple of friends somewhere. The one in the back seat announced that he wasn’t buckling the seatbelt because they were for candyboys. I told him I wasn’t moving the car until he buckled up. After a short while he did and we drove off.


Think positive! At least they’ll have lots of others w/turbos and automatic trans sitting unsold to keep the new NA/manual trans versions company 

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Your rear-seat belt story reminds me, on a recent Best of Car Talk the caller’s problem was that he had somehow spilled 5 gallons of maple syrup on the back seat, and it gummed up the seat belts to the point they were completely stuck & impossible to use. So on the positive side, at least you didn’t have THAT problem 