Could these problems be caused by throwing car in park while moving?

Triedaq never fails to amuse.

OP, yes, you probably damaged something.

I suspect you need to reevaluate your driving habits. I know that you now know that throwing it in park because you’re too lazy to brake is dumb, but you might want to examine the thought processes that led you to conclude that braking is hard work.

In short, lazy drivers who can’t be bothered to drive the car, shouldn’t be driving the car, because you’re dangerous to everyone around you.

Wow. This thread has been busy since I last visited last night.

In my experience if you do something with a real probability of damaging something and you suddenly have a screeching noise that wasn’t there before, and the speedo no longer works right, the three are related. You’ve damaged something. Because of the speedo my guess is that it’s something damaged relating to the tranny output shaft.

But in truth, everything we write here is just a guess. Only with a hands-on diagnostic can anybody give you any accurate and real information. You need to get this to a tranny shop. We here may be well-meaning, but we could guess forever and never get to the source of the problem.

I have to comment that I’m surprised and highly disappointed by some of the nasty comments you’ve received. Don’t let them bother you. Life is filled with a wide variety of people, some nice, some not, some who vary from day to day. You cannot control what others say, but you can control how you deal with it. Ignore the nasty comments. They’re not worth responding to.

Let us know how you make out at the tranny shop if you decide to go.

And, now, if you’ll excuse me, I have to go check to see if I took my Alzheimer’s medication today…I can’t remember. }:-/

Given that the OP posts, “I deliberately sabotagued my vehicle…now it’s making funny noises…are they related?”, I wonder what his reaction would be to the responses. If I said “yes, you damaged it,” would he be satisfied? If I said “No, you didn’t,” would he shuffle off, dejectedly, to try it again at 45MPH and get it “right” this time?

This also might lead to a whole new series of CT questions, like:

"Recently entered in a demolition derby–now my driver’s side door doesn’t shut properly. Related?“
"Loaned my car to Mythbusters–now is in several pieces. Any correlation?”

I think we should seroiusly consider the possibility of a troll post. Come to a site of car-lovers, post about abusing a car, sit bak and wait for responses. Rinse, lather, repeat.

Heck, if you truly want to destroy a perfectly good car, take a page from Keith Moon’s book, drive it into the swimming pool and earn a lifetime ban from Holiday Inn :wink: More fun, more “epic.”

I am not trolling. Also, i took it for a drive today and ( i guess no one saw my previous response) it appears to shift, idle and drive (or reverse) in every gear.

I put it in park on a hill and it didn’t move( showing the parking pawl is in tact?) of course there are technically tons of other parts wrong with the car possibly because of this. But my stepdad said that if it’s driving fine as i just said and everything shifts and idles fine there is no damage.

I’ve learned my lesson from this though i came close to a serious repair.

I would agree that a troll post is a possibility but since I’ve personally seen that kind of act done in the past along with other things just as ridiculous it’s impossible for me to dismiss it as a troll post.

Dropping by a friend’s house one evening I saw his car on stands with the rear end way high.
Another car was backed in and a light duty chain connected from the pulling car to the rear of the dropped driveshaft.
He said the chain had already broken twice… :wink:

@asemaster, in regards to the Camaro I mentioned which got the same treatment I don’t think there were any ensuing problems. The guy broke up with the girlfriend not long afterwards and over the next few years I ran into her several times. I made a casual inquiry about how the old sled was doing and she said it had been fine with no problems.

It’s amazing to me that a metal nub the size of the end of a pinkie can screech a couple of tons of metal to halt.

Some day when an elderly couple happen to be walking past his car in the Parking lot of a restaurant that parking pawl will leave loose and the poor folks will get run down.

I sure hope he avoids parking on unlevel areas and uses the parking brake.


I see in the few weeks I was gone not much has changed around here… Its nice to have some stability in the world!

I have in fact seen Two people intentionally throw their car in park while in motion, once was when i was still living at home, a neighbor who had many anger issues came ripping down the street in his caprice and once he got in front of his house he threw it in park while still moving about 20 MpH, this was on gravel though so the tires locked up and skidded to a stop while he jumped out of the still moving car.

He ran to the house and the yelling ensued and before you know it more caprices showed up, cop car caprices. Never did know what the fight was about, him and his wife fought all the time. This was in the early 1980s, he drove the car for a long time afterwards so I assume it was ok.

The second time was last fall, right in the middle of a small town a guy who was passenger jumped out of a moving f150 while it was going 10 mph, screaming ensued and the woman driver slammed it in park while it was still moving a few mph, the truck screeched and lurched to a halt and she jumped out and the screaming match began. The town Marshall was busy that day.

Don’t worry about reverse, lifes about moving foward.

Well wouldn’t you have anger issues if you had to drive a caprice!!!

The second story I feel the girl had no choice, she got abandoned in a moving car so anythings game.

I’ll bet you’re happy @Wheresrick , that you moved to a better neighborhood.
