Yup Datsuns had HS2 or HS4 SU replicas. I’m taking it to an SU specialist this week so I’ll let you know how that goes.
Here’s the EPA link:
New York may exempt >25 year old cars from inspections, but that’s different than an EPA exemption. But it does mean it met requirements at the time it was imported, otherwise New York wouldn’t have registered it.
Yep that’s the case. I was thinking one thing and saying the other. And yes, all of you should buy yourselves a Classic Mini as a project car. I’m pretty sure they’re legal and then if we all have them we can help each other out fixing them!
Have you tried classic Mini forums? This is one that seems good -
I bet there are some in the US.
The float and needle are in the Cup looking thing next to the bell shaped Dashpot… off to the side…
Blackbird, The float is in the cup looking thingy, but the needle is in the tube inside the dashpot.
Texases, I have tried those forums, still being active on them as well, but I seem to keep going around in circles.
The new guy I took the car to is saying it could be the automatic transmission. He claims to have tuned the carburetor properly so that it’s no longer rich, but it’s now stalling out immediately after it’s put in gear. Something about proper compression or vacuum in the transmission. I’m just going to let them have it for as long as they want until it’s fixed. Then I’ll ask him what was wrong after it’s better.
On this one, my head belongs in the sand.