Cheap way to process waste oil into home heating oil?

Why on earth did you bring up that guy?

What does he have to do with Veteran’s day OR home heating oil . . . ?!

Haven’t you noticed, it’s everywhere on the internet, but I’ll pull mine if you pull yours. Just seeing who’s awake.

You’ll be in for a nasty surprise if you dump used motor oil into a heating oil furnace tank- it’s not going to burn. Back in the 1980s they started adding anti-flash agents to motor oils to raise their combustion temperature. It won’t ignite in a conventional furnace. It needs a pre-heater to bring it up to temp before being burned. There are other concerns but at least they won’t take your furnace down. I’d suggest that fabricating a safe and effective used oil furnace is beyond the abilities of most people and for most othrs wouldn’t be economically worthwhile over just buying one…

Remembering an old oil furnace that dribbled fuel oil into a large cement bowl to heat a boiler. I rented an apartment in this house in the 70’s.

Used motor oil has been used for years by repair shops to heat their work space. How, I don’t know, but it is not a new technology.

I told you it is everywhere. Check the cardboard put under there for leak detection.

@Bob_Mansanas Maybe this isn’t what you were talking about but there are homemade waste oil heaters all over youtube. This is just one guy’s.