Car's computer kaput

You can always clear the code (check engine light) by disconnecting the battery for a few minutes.

Thanks pleasedodgevan2 and oldtimer 11

SO what issues are you actually having other than a link error…which is most likely a physical issue with the OBDII plug or such… IF your cars ECU had a real issue…it wouldnt go anywhere…no fuel injection, no ignition. spark, nada…

Hell most people operate in the mode that you are operating in…even when their ecu can tell them codes…they never listen to them anyway.

Sounds like you just have a link error…I’d pull that OBD plug to see if you lost a wire off the back of it…or if one of the wires came unseated and is not fully inserted into the OBD diag plug…I’m SURE they didnt check that…they just told you whatev they told you… Its rare to find a mechanic that knows enough or cares enough to do the things that I and the guys here do… Laziness is contagious…