Car won't start intermittently

Bertie has not posted since 2011 . There are 3 other people asking questions and 2 or three different vehicles .
Don’t tell me that a thread like this should not be closed and labeled ’ Read Only '.

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SunDog’s problem (post 10), not Bertie’s

Just want to tell you that that mechanics NEVER figured out what was wrong. Finally, we started pushing the lock/unlock button on the key fob whenever it will not start. And it starts after that!!!

I know this is an old thread, but I have found the discussion useful. I’ve been having this problem with my 2006 Nissan Altima. We bought it used a couple of years ago. At first, we had some moments where it would start on the second try. It always cranked. Then, about a year ago, we had times when it just wouldn’t turn over, no matter how many times we tried. In our history with the car, we’ve had the battery and the alternator replaced. The alternator legitimately died, but at that time the car wouldn’t even crank. After replacement, we thought our problems would be solved, but luck an unlucky old cat, the problem returned. Most recently, we took the car to our mechanic. He had it for a couple of days, but could not reproduce the problem. With our permission, he replaced the fuel pump with the theory that the part was starting to fail. When we went to pick up the car, it wouldn’t start, and our mechanic was standing right there. He just about lost his mind. He kept it for another couple of days and switched out some contacts. We picked it up a few days ago and had no issues…until this morning. I drove the car to the gym. When I came out an hour later, it…would…not…start.

My wife told me to start looking for a replacement car, but I’m now wondering about the security system. This sounds quite plausible. I will follow up on this thread for anyone who is still monitoring. The car is still in the gym parking lot, so I have to wait until my gets back from work with our 2001 Honda Civic (5 speed manual) which still runs great with 200k+ miles on it!

I’ve had the same intermittent starting issue with my 21 year old, formerly very reliable Honda Civic about once a month for about six months. I’ll drive it around stopping and starting several times with no problems and then it won’t start. I haven’t had to have it towed yet because it starts after a few minutes. My mechanic says he can’t diagnose it with no symptoms so maybe I need another mechanic, or another car.

I posted back in February about my 2006 Nissan Altima having this problem. Took it to a Nissan dealership shortly thereafter, and the issue was in fact due to faulty aftermarket keys that we got from the used car dealership where we bought the car. The dealership hooked us up with OEM keys, and there have been ZERO issues since then.

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