When I get into my car and start it while it is cold, it will rev up an down by itself if I do not let it warm up to about 1000rpm. What should I do?
When the engine is cold, and you start the engine, the engine revs up and down? Is the engine idle stable when the engine is warm?
This seems to be a problem with the idle air control valve. Does the check engine light (it looks like an engine symbol) come on?
What year is your Honda Accord, and is it a 4 cylinder, or a V6 cylinder engine?
The engine idle stays stable when the engine is warm. The check engine light comes on as soon as I start the car and does not go off until I turn the car off.It is a 93 honda accord lx 4 cylinder.
thank you.
What should you do?
You should find out what trouble code(s) have been stored by the car’s OBD system.
If you go to Auto Zone, Advance Auto, O’Reilly, Napa, or possibly some other auto parts retails, they will read the codes free-of-charge. Then come back to this thread to post the code(s) for more specific advice.
The illuminated CEL is significant and should have been mentioned in the original question.
On a 1993 Honda Accord LX 4 cylinder, one can get the trouble code, which goes with the check engine light, by putting a u-shaped piece of wire into the wiring connector in the passenger’s foot-well area (behind carpet). Then, the check engine light (symbol) flashes the code. One, then, comes here with the code, for advice.