Personally, I Love All These Published “Reliability” And “Cost Of Ownership” Reports…
…not to help me choose a vehicle, but for the influence they have on some people. It drives the cost of purchasing certain high rated vehicles up and brings down the cost of some fantastic used cars that are not reputed to rate highly, whether they’re done correctly, accurate, or have any real value whatsoever.
Most cars I’ve owned and operated (and still own and operate) require virtually nothing in terms of repairs and 99.9%+ reliable have not been rated highly in these studies, and have been bargains.
As I’ve said, rather than rely on blanket recommendations based on a mix of repairs, maintenance, miles, age, make, model, etcetera, lumped together…
I research specific makes, specific models, specific model-years, with specific engines / transmissions and equipment, and that’s what you ordinarily won’t glean from these brilliant reports.
Another tool in my arsenal is the one where owners are surveyed and asked if they are happy with the vehicles and asked if they’d buy another. That says a lot and takes into account an overall satisfaction of ownership, not just “reliability”. For me, there’s much more to a car than reliability. I have to enjoy owning it. I want comfort, quiet, power, and something that’s pleasant to drive.
If I bought many of these cars based solely on some goofy reliability report I wouldn’t be able to stand driving them. I read on this site many times that owners buy cars based on MPG or reliability and then complain about noise, ride, comfort, etcetera, and they want a different car.
Also, most of these published, are published by commercial entities, and part of the “service” they provide is to attract people to the publisher’s business for the purpose of attracting customers. Many of these take miniscule differences in “reliability” and make it show big differences (or at least it is perceived that way by many folks).
So, bring it! I love reports like the one being discussed, as do the folks who buy into the results as being meaningful. I just benefit in a different way.