Buick Century 2004 Air Conditioning

My buick century air conditioner doesnt work,i cant find the problem since i checked the refrigerant levels and they are ok,the ac compressor clutch engages and disengages,and the blend door actuator works since when i turn the temperature to hot it gives off hot air.What is the problem? It blows hot air at the coldest setting.

In what manner did you check the refrigerant levels?


What were the high side and low side pressures?

I only have the ability to check the low side and it measured 87 psi which is way too much.Does the high side need to be filled also?

No offense intended, but If you’re asking that question, then you likely don’t have necessary knowledge/ability to repair an automotive A/C system. Please take the car to a mechanic of your choice and get a proper diagnosis and repair.


Take your vehicle to a shop that does AC service.

I can tell you lack the proper equipment and experience to properly diagnose the problem.


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+1234 for the above…

No disrespect but A/C is better left up to the pros…

A/C systems require proper knowledge and tools to do the job correctly, AND safely, over filling the system cam/will cause it to find the weakest point which can be a hose, pressure relief valve, etc etc…

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