Brake Piston Question

I ve never done any anti lock work so I ll leave that alone.

I do bleed all my brakes, pretty much flush them, every time I change pads or shoes. I don t open them to push the caliper in. i open them after the work is done.

i go from wheel to wheel, one at a time, and flush each line. after cracking the the bleeder, i attach a tube and stick the other end in a bottle of brake fluid. then i pump the brake for a bit, adding fluid to the master cylinder as needed. i do this to each wheel. then i repeat this whole process. lather rinse repeat. it seems to get all the air out and all the old fluid out too.

the only time i ve had trouble with a bleeder screw is when i ve gone after it with not quite the right tool at first. usually i use a deep socket and adapt it to my half inch ratchet and they come out fine.

when i finish bleeding a wheel i smear some chassis grease on the bleeder.

i did have to twist off one of my brake lines to change a wheel cylinder last time. i smeared grease around the flare fittings when i finished , hopefully they won t rust again