Brake Fluid Boiling and repairs. Is this reasonable?

I changed the front brakes and rotors on the my Sienna. Didn’t see anything wrong at the time. However, on driving noticed that one side was a little hot.

Next day - the wife needs to head out of town and I am stuck at work. She takes the car in just to check things out. The mechanic states the brake fluid boiled due to a seized pin and the calibers, hoses, rotors needs to be replaces and the system flushed.

Is this reasonable?

Yes, it absolutely is reasonable. Especially if this is an older Sienna (you don’t say the age). Calipers can stick, brake hoses can deteriorate and act like check valves not letting the caliper release.


Brakes need a holistic approach to maintenance.
Otherwise you can break as much as you fix, as in this case.
The slide pins and the surfaces that the pad ears slide on need to be cleaned and lubricated when pads are replaced.
Caliper pistons can seize after being pushed in for new pads.
Master cylinders can fail after movement beyond their normal range.
The two above can be aggravated by old moisture laden brake fluid.
I recommend flushing every 3 years.


… as do many auto manufacturers!

In fact, some dealers recommend a fluid flush more often, but I think that they’re really pushing a bit much, as Toyota requires it at 3 yrs/36k miles.,changed%20more%20or%20less%20often.

That’s my diy’er experience too. Taking short cuts to get the job done faster seems to always come back and bite me when repairing/maintaining brakes. Almost always better to replace more stuff than less. Have I learned from this? … hmmmm … lol …

Pads that are 90% worn means pistons are fully extended. Did you open bleeder screws before you pushed pistons back into caliper bores? Does anyone? Removing old fluid in MC and then bleeding brakes will flush out all old fluid?
You changed pads and rotors. But reused old calipers? And now you get to buy all new parts again?

I do that.