I agree. They should be working on a plant that produces crude that can be processed into gasoline or Diesel. Ethanol caused your car to run/use 20% MORE fuel than you need. Very wasteful.
From my research, the average person wastes about $15.00 of every 20 gallon tank of ethanol they use.
Do a search on “prius” and read the responses of “Is there a difference in gasolines”.
Rants may make everyone feel better, but there is nothing permanent to be done about oil prices. China and India arent going to stop development. Tree huggers, fish lovers, caribou lovers arent going to let anyone drill. No community is going to allow a refinery to be built even if they could drill. Expanding existing refineries is a regulatory exercise. I still dont see much conservation: SUVs still run 85mph going nowhere. Most drivers are either standing on the gas or standing on the brake, racing to the next light. What will it take? $6.00? $8.00? $10.00? Facts will not change anyones habits. The only thing that will change our addiction is $$$. The U.S. auto industry still doesnt get it after 40+ years since VW started writing on the wall. Now that there is a slight lull in the crazy price increases is the time to incrementally add a $2-3 tax per gallon to put the brakes on our foolish consumption.
Rants may make everyone feel better, but there is nothing permanent to be done about oil prices. China and India arent going to stop development. Tree huggers, fish lovers, caribou lovers arent going to let anyone drill. No community is going to allow a refinery to be built even if they could drill. Expanding existing refineries is a regulatory exercise. I still dont see much conservation: SUVs still run 85mph going nowhere. Most drivers are either standing on the gas or standing on the brake, racing to the next light. What will it take? $6.00? $8.00? $10.00? Facts will not change anyones habits. The only thing that will change our addiction is $$$. The U.S. auto industry still doesnt get it after 40+ years since VW started writing on the wall. Now that there is a slight lull in the crazy price increases is the time to incrementally add a $2-3 tax per gallon to put the brakes on our foolish consumption.
Tree huggers, fish lovers, caribou lovers arent going to let anyone drill.
The OIL companies have 65 MILLION acres leased to them from the government that they are NOT drilling on right now. They don’t have to apply for any permits. They have the rights and leases right now to start drilling tomorrow.
No community is going to allow a refinery to be built even if they could drill.
The BIGGEST group that doesn’t want any new refineries are the oil companies themselves. The fewer the refineries the higher the profits. There has been a total of ONE filing for a new refinery in the past 20 years…JUST ONE.
IF you are as smart as you think .you would know the whining is justifyed. we give these clows 4 billion dollars or more a year to find and make alternet fuel.
OP, how is that boycott going? Those oil company executives still seem to be making money hand over fist. Which company did you decide to boycott?
Exxon/Mobil, as an example, receives more than 75% of its revenues from sales outside the United States. The other oil companies are no different.
Positive Change; you seem to have succeeded by bringing big oil to its knees! The oil price is now less than $89, down from $147, as we predicted would happen if the world went into a major economic slowdown or recession. You may actually thank the presidents of those irresponsible banks and fincance companies who caused the finacial mess we are in now!
Should we thank those who slapped a bandaid(bailout) on the ruptured artery we call the economy?