Battery question

Where we live with severe winters and moderately hot summers, an OEM battery (heavy duty type) lasts about 7 years, provided you use a block heater or park inside. Otherwise, 4-5 years is the best you can do. Replacement batteries of high quality, such as Costco’s Kirkland or Diehard will last 9 years or so under similar conditions. We always buy the highest CCA model that fits.

All the above batteries I’m referring to are heavy duty types.

Where we live with severe winters and moderately hot summers, an OEM battery (heavy duty type) lasts about 7 years, provided you use a block heater or park inside. Otherwise, 4-5 years is the best you can do. Replacement batteries of high quality, such as Costco's Kirkland or Diehard will last 9 years or so under similar conditions. We always buy the highest CCA model that fits.

That’s weird…because in cold climates…batteries actually last longer. I have no problem keeping a battery 7+ years here in NH. Many close to 10.

db, I used to live in So Cal, but now I live where is gets hooter and more humid in the summer and colder in the winter, at least compared to the coastal areas of So Cal. I live in the mid south area.