Auto parts stores, today

I copied this from another site, but I think it sums-up the auto parts experience very well:

Walk in to local Auto Parts Store. Counter person Bill asks “May I help you?”
I reply “Yes, I’m looking for a suspension bushing.”
Bill “year make and model”.
Me “um, you won’t have it listed, I’d like to match it up size wise. Its for an aftermarket sway bar”
Bill “Year make and model please”
Me “1956 Studebaker PowerHawk”
Bill “Studebaker?”
Me “yes”.
Bill “Who makes Studebaker?”
Me “Studebaker makes Studebaker”
Bill “Oh, here it is in my computer, why haven’t I heard of them?”
Me “They were #4 after GM, Ford, and Chrysler… went outa business in mid 60s”
Bill “Oh yes, I remember now. I heard they were ahead of their time.”
Me “That’s what they say”
Bill “What are you looking for?”
Me “I’m looking for a suspension bushing for aftermarket sway bar”
Bill “All I have listed for your car is battery, tires, and spark plugs. Which would you like?”
Me “I would like a suspension bushing for an aftermarket sway bar”
Bill “It isn’t listed”
Me being polite… “I know, I said that when I first came in. Can I talk to one of the old geezers that work here?”
Bill “I’m 34, store manager, and the oldest one here”
Me “Say what?”
Bill “There were some old guys but they retired last year”
Me with head in hands: " I have a bushing in my hand. Is it possible to match it up with one in stock? I need the ID to be the same 1" but the OD can be any size as long as long as it’s bigger, then I can machine it to fit."
Bill “What’s the part number?”
Me “this is the bushing, there is no part number”
Bill “How can I get you one without a part number?”
Me " the old geezers would go thru a few boxes in back to find something workable"
Bill “I wouldn’t know where to look, can I get you something else? We have antifreeze on sale.”
Me, acting cheerful not wanting to tell Bill what I think of him and his store so I will be able to come back again “No, only need the bushing thanks for trying!”

Next Auto Parts Store:
Pretty much the same conversation but with Devon… till the last few lines… then hope arises!
Devon “OK, I’ll go in back and see what I can find”
Me “thanks Devon!”
Devon “here is one, the ID is the same but the OD is a little smaller”
Me thinking this is the best I can do, maybe I can build up the OD with duct tape, and I want to reward him for his diligence’ “OK, I’ll take it”
Devon “That will be 49.00”
Me, used to sticker shock, but this is incredible “49.00? for that little bushing??!!”
Devon “They come two to a box”.
Me, having no more acting ability left in me, I walk out dejectedly without a word.

Online auto parts store:
15 minutes, find bushings listed by size and material. eBay, 12.50. Free shipping.
Two days later package arrives, two in the box… perfect!


That pretty much sums it up.

I do a search online for a part listed as in stock at my local parts chain store. The price is twice what I find on Amazon (free shipping) and 3 times Rock Auto (shipping almost as much as the part itself).

But I want it today and I want to support my local store so I order it for pickup from the store’s stock. An hour later I go to pick it up. They say sorry we don’t have one but we can order it. It will arrive tomorrow.

Yeah, so will Amazon’s part. Face slap…

That’s probably where they buy it.


Try going to a parts house and ordering header gaskets… LA 340/360 small block mopar header gaskets… Deer in the head light look… Finally saw them hanging on the corner shelf behind the counter and had to point them out…

Went in to buy universal leaded top post battery terminals, asked year make and model, again, universal… finally spotted them above the battery’s…

Gezzz… :man_facepalming:


A couple years back, I went into the local parts store after having confirmed online they carried what I was looking for. As I walked in, a cheerful employee quickly asked if they could help me find anything. Sure, where would I find Berrymans? What? Berrymans…(quizzical looks)…it’s a carb cleaner… Oh, those are over here- pointing to a shelf with all kinds of aerosol cans. It comes in a gallon can…I don’t think we have that. He walks away, his voice trailing off…

So as usual, I keep looking. After a few minutes and almost giving up a couple of times, what do I spy on the bottom shelf on the other side of the aisle? tucked way back out of sight unless you crouch down to look…aha! There it is with a thick coating of dust on the top. They had absolutely no idea what it was when I got to the register, triumphantly displaying my find.

In the 90’s I was having troubles and wanted a dwell meter. Kid is like I don’t know what that is, I’ll check with the old guy in back. Have not seen one in years he says.

Yeah I miss the old guy (Veronica’s dad) that used to work at Napa for 20 years, and worked at k&g for 30 years before they went out of business. I’ll have to say though, the older lady behind the counter at Napa seems to know what they have.

Sounds familiar, someone wants to spend all day in auto parts stores looking for the opportunity to talk about Studebaker.

No part number, no bin location, the parts counter person should gather up all the stabilizer bar bushings they can find, bring them to the counter so the customer can open each package looking for a polyurethane bushing that can be machined down to size if necessary.

Then who restocks the inventory back on the shelves? Most O.E. bushings are rubber, if you need polyurethane bushings for an aftermarket stabilizer bar, go to a speed shop.

Three weeks later this customer will return the parts for a refund with damaged packaging, the parts will be discarded, thanks boomer.

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Me, I wouldn’t even attempt what that person tried. Very little chance of success. Unless it was at a local parts store I know is staffed with car-knowledgeable folk. There are a few around here, but none of them are the national-chain variety. My pet-peeve with national chain parts store I frequent is when I go in around noon, they say they have to order the part from their warehouse, and to come back the same day after 7pm. When I arrive at the store at 7:30 pm, they look and look, but they invariably can’t find the part, even though their computer shows it arriving at the store. The problem appears to be that they don’t know where the parts arriving on the warehouse truck are put after they unload it. They tell me to come back the next day and they’ll look for it in the meantime … lol … .

I remember going to a parts store in the early 80’s, they were just starting to use computers to look up parts.

I walked in with a broken fan belt in my hand, still had the part number on it.

Me: I need one of these
Kid: What kind of car?
Me: 56 Dodge P/U
Kid: What engine?
Me: 1960 Pontiac 389 Dual Quad
Kid: I thought you said it was a Dodge P/U
Me: I did
Kid: How am I supposed to look up a Belt for that.
Me: You’re not, That’s why I brought this broken one with the number on it
Kid: we don’t have that brand
Me: OK, but you must have a cross reference book

Now some older clerk comes over, looks at my belt, sets it down, goes in the back and comes out 30 seconds later with the correct belt, then tells the kid how to read the belt length from the part number.


Wow, that brought back memories! I was doing a custom job once and needed a “custom” belt to match- at least one that could fit within the tensioner adjustment. Back then, they had hundreds of belts hanging on the wall behind the counter. I had the old belt and the new length based on a rope measurement. The counter guy was very accommodating but it was looking grim sorting through so many potential belts. Then an old gruff looking guy came around the shelves and asked what in the heck we were doing. After explaining, he just kind of hurumphed and looked the the V belt and the length I needed. Took him seconds to pull one down and tossed it toward me- this should work. And it did.


Sorry to bring mowers again Nevada. But Menards had their drive belts on clearance for $5 instead of $30 for oem. I bought about six. Two needed for each change. The cvt was all screwed up. I used a tape measure on the after market belts and found they were about 1/2 inch off compared to oem. That half inch evidently is very important so threw them all away and ordered some $30 belts.

I had a John Deere rider and it used a belt that was a half inchsuze bigger in both belt than other mowers. I checked and all the John Deere models used belts that ended in 1/2 inch sizes and everyone else ended in inches.

I placed an online order at a parts store that must have Zoned out. I had a $15 credit that was supposed to be applied at check out but I got charged full price . When I picked up the oil the clerk grumbled that online orders take 24/48 hours to show up, he was able to find the order and force it but the credit did not show up, He said to wait 24 hours, so far no credit. He probably was trying to shuffle me out and not deal with it. I am going to take the oil back and return it and buy it again to see if they can un Zone the glitch and give me my credit.

Years ago I went to Pep-Boys to get a carb rebuild kit (friend of my son). They didn’t have one in stock but could order it for me. I asked if it came with a new float. He looked at me like Deer-in-headlights. He brought in an old tech working in the garage. Then we had to get a translator. The old tech knew what I was talking about. Although I couldn’t understand him, I could read the expression on his face - the clerk is an idiot.

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Most parts store clerks are clerks. At the AZ I occasionally go to one of the clerks was a former pharmacy tech from the pharmacy I use.

I see that in the national chain parts stores, but not the local parts stores. I buy most of my parts from Sanel NAPA. They are a NAPA franchise (only last 5 years). Been in business since 1920. Small regional chain. Many of the parts guys have been there for years or decades. Many are ex-mechanics. Far more knowledgeable than anyone at the national chains.

It could be worse. A couple years back I went into one of the local chains to get a few items. I noticed most of the store workers gathered around a fold out table- making what appeared to be lunch from burgers, dogs, chips etc. I figured it was an employee event but standing at the register waiting to be checked out, I was starting to get impatient. After some time, there was now a line of about 5 or 6 people waiting and I was seconds away from tossing my stuff on the counter and walking out when one of them acknowledged us and came over. He apologized for the wait and told us that it was “customer appreciation day” and we could help ourselves to some lunch… I didn’t have the time or inclination to explain how they had completely destroyed any goodwill the store was trying to convey to its customers…


That is very similar to my experience at a FedEx warehouse several years ago. Because they had screwed-up my delivery, the package was being held at the warehouse for me to pick up. I arrived, only to find that all of the people working at the counter were perusing a take-out restaurant menu, loudly discussing what they should all order for lunch that day.

Like you, after a few minutes the waiting customers piled-up, and we were all totally ignored. The other customers and I just looked at each other with disgust for those FedEx employees, and one of the customers timed the period during which we were ignored. He claimed that it amounted to 12 minutes, but he had arrived a couple of minutes after I did.

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I always laugh, your call is very important to us. Press 1 for English etc. five options later, please hold for an agent. The credit union is the worst. It can be a 20 minute wait just to tell them I’m leaving town. The bank though is second ring. I guess I have encountered worse though when my battery go out waiting and have to start all over. Carrot and stick to go on line.

I wanted to ship a bike so stopped at a main fed ex facility. Red or bue I dunno but must have picked the wrong color. They had no idea. Stopped at ups, bought the box, packed the bike and dropped it off. Done deal. Delivered in a couple days.