Are new cars getting too wide?

Always liked the Morris Minor wagons, at a car show saw a M-M van, like the wagon but roof was about four inches higher.
Morris Minors are often present on Midsummer Murders, British Crime series.

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My family lived in the city and the car was how the weekly shopping was done. We could take a bus downtown to shop at department stores there since there were no malls in our area until the early 70s.

My great grandparents still lived in the city and they, too used their car for shopping as there was no grocery close by. My grandparents lived in the suburbs so, of course, they had to drive to shop.

How the heck are you going to get a weeks worth of groceries at one time for a family of 5 with out using a car, even if the store is in walking distance?? And no buses or cabs…
And in our July/August heat, milk etc would go bad and anything like ice cream or even chocolate would melt by the time you got back home… lol

My youngest sister lives at most 100 yards from a large grocery store. On big shopping days, she just borrows one of the stores shopping carts.

If you lived in a large city like Boston or NYC - you’ll see it all the time. There are folding grocery carts I see people use on the T all the time in Boston. Mother and 2 of her kids each have one.

Rural areas - you need a car - either your own or someone else (friend or cab).

Wow, that’s twice was wide as any of mine! Didn’t know they made such a beast for homes…

Yeah, standard 2 car is 16’ wide.

Ok, made me get the tape out. Yeah standard 16 foot door, not 18 but my single doors are 9 foot wide.

It was a different time, cars were expensive, most families had one or none, most married women didn’t work outside the home and anything beyond the trolly line was considered “the country”.

So instead of driving to the stores, the stores came to them Milk and dairy was delivered by the Milkman, likewise chips, snack foods, diapers and cleaners all delivered, Meats, produce and groceries were purchased at the local shop, generally within walking distance and for everything else it would be a trolley/bus trip downtown to the Department Stores who would also deliver your purchases.
And of course for everyone there was always the Sears and Montgomery Wards catalogs featuring everything imaginable!


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I grew up in the 50’s and 60’s - EVERYONE drove to their cars for shopping. Most people had cars. Some had 2.

WalMart and Lowes are the only stores around here with the wider parking spots. I own a 2014 Highlander. Some of the mall parking spots my Highlander barely fits between the lines. I’ve seen large SUV’s or pickups where their tires are covering the line on both sides.

These small parking spots actually mean fewer vehicles can fit in a row because the larger vehicles need to take up two spots.

Pig headed determination resulted in finding the Crosley’s specifications.
49" wide