Annual meeting of the Summer Tires Club


Funny…but it would be interesting to know if any actually had on summer tires (vs. all-season)…


‘’ But they SAY all season . . isn’t this one of the seasons ?’’

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There was a section of road just like that in Colorado. If the wind was blowing hard & in a certain direction during a snow storm, right at that spot, about 100 yards of the road would become so slippery that it was nearly impossible to pass by without being blown off the road and into the barrow pit to the side. I didn’t ever see anything more serious than a few fender benders there, for the most part the cars seemed to be spread out enough that the only problem was they’d go off the road and become stuck down in the ditch.

Cabins in MN git 18" plus of snow and a do not travel advisory, People seem to forget how to drive in the first snow, sorry for all the impaired vehicles, but seriously doubt anybody there was buying summer tires.