A serpentine belt issue wouldn't have anything to do with an overdue oil change?

So today, I noticed a squeaking sound when my car is running. It is very cold where I live, and after doing some research I am fairly sure it’s the serpentine belt. That’s no issue I will have to bring it to a mechanic to fix this issue, however, I regularly get oil changes at a drive in oil change place and I find they want me to come in more frequently when I literally just had an oil change maybe 3 months ago, so I decided I will go over the Miles they suggest that it’s overdue for one. I was just wondering, it has nothing to do with the fact that I am going over my miles for an oil change does it? An overdue oil change wouldn’t damage the serpentine belt will it?

A serpentine belt has no relation to how often the oil is changed.

How many miles on the vehicle since the last oil service?


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I would say right now it’s about roughly 600-1000 miles over their estimated oil change.

And I see, thank you very much for this. I didn’t know if I should bring it up or just focus on the serpentine belt issue. Thank you!

How many miles do they recommend between each oil change?


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What ever this mystery vehicle is will have how may miles you should go between oil changes. It will also say how many months. That means you change at xxxxmiles or xx months which ever comes first.

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Do you have the owner’s/maintenance manual? The recommended oil change interval is in it. Many newer cars don’t list a mileage interval but tell them you to use the Oil Life Monitor. I’ve used the OLM to tell me when to change oil in all our cars (six) since it became available. The engines have all been in excellent condition when I sold or traded them in.

Among other things, quick lube places are notorious for telling their customers to change their oil every 3 months–even though vehicle manufacturers no longer specify oil changes that frequently. As @Volvo-V70 stated, the OP’s Owner’s Manual mentions how often–in terms of BOTH odometer mileage and elapsed time–the oil should be changed.

As to the possible serpentine belt problem, I wouldn’t allow that quick lube shop to diagnose the problem. But, then again, I wouldn’t even allow them to wash my car’s windows.

The OP should have a real mechanic inspect the engine in order to determine whether the problem lies in the belt itself, or in a belt tensioner, or a belt pulley, or whether the noise has nothing whatsoever to do with the belt.

And, while the vehicle is at a real mechanic’s shop, that would be a good opportunity to have the oil changed, if it is actually due for that service.

Why are you extending the oil change interval recommended by jiffy lube? How many miles over are you planning on driving? You are 1000 over now. How many more are you shooting for?

If the manufacturer states 5000 miles and the quick lube place recommends 2000 ( we don’t know, just that the quick lube is more frequent) then the OP would be at 3000 miles.

The recommendations to find a real mechanic shop are best.

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No, this is a very common occurrence around here. The bearings in the idler and accessory pulleys start to whine when they get older and it gets really cold. Often, it will go away once they warm up from use. Lack of lubrication and wear takes a toll on them. It has nothing to do with the oil change IMHO…

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I would absolutely ignore the advice from a drive in oil change shop. Go to the owner’s manual and follow their advice. Anything more frequent than every 5000 miles or 6 months is a waste, in my opinion.

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