A lot of bad driving, it seems

When really bored I often surf the mad house of internet videos often opening some road rage/stupid driver site and it’s amazing what can occur in a seemingly simple situation.

No offense but if you have driven in Indiana where the trucks are limited to 65 and everyone else is going 70, it is a dangerous mess. Constantly moving from right lane to left lane and a hazard instead of a free flow of traffic. Drive with the flow of traffic.


You a state trooper or something?

Perhaps driving is not for you.

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I would stay in the right lane and drive 65 mph, how much time can be saved by passing?

Actually quite a lot over 800 miles and a time change.

800 miles? The longest path through Indiana, from Gary to Louisville KY is 264 miles. How does increasing the vehicle speed beat the time zone change?

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I’ll wave when I drive by. Minnesota friendly.

You will need to stop for gasoline every 200 miles, so you will have the opportunity to wave more than once.

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Damn if I am never over 10 to 15 mph to keep up with the flow of traffic. You should have a big sign on the back window like I saw occasionally, “Pass Kindly Please”

Funny how I never any horns or birds flipped at me.

And drivers ramping on ahead of me seem to appreciate my flik-flik of the high beams, encouraging the nervous ones to go ahead, merge.

Words to live by? :smirk:

You just need to reverse the prop! :wink:

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What’s the problem? The sign says to STOP … lol …

My wife is from South Dakota so never passed a Minnesota test. When we were first married she saw the sign saying stop ahead and thought it meant to stop ahead instead of just saying there was a stop sign ahead. Took a while. Working on snow making ahead in the summer.

I concur w/wife on that one. “Stop ahead” is ambiguous.

It could be interpreted as “Stop!!!” “A Head !!!” … lol …

From not long after I began driving, I had always interpreted “Stop Ahead” to mean that a Stop-signed intersection was imminent.


The 1st time I saw one with a friend in the car, she reached over and slapped my forehead and held her hand there and said the road sign said to stop a head… then just laughed… So it was a long running joke to slap someone’s head whenever you would see it written on the road…

But I/we always new what it meant as there had been a stop sign coming up already for years… :laughing:

Doesn’t it mean to stop a hippie?

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