A/C on 2003 Dodge 3500 Deisel

So I took my pickup to have the A/C charged the week before Memorial Weekend. The shop called and said after charging that the compressor locked up and needed replaced. Compressor was replaced. Didn’t use the A/C for that weekend as it was unseasonably cool outside. Took the pickup for July 4th weekend and no cold air. Took it back to the shop and they said the new compressor had a leak and replaced again. Drive away and made it about 5 miles when I heard a squeaking noise and then lost battery charge and power steering—belt broke. Put on a new belt and did not use the A/C. Shop replaced A/C lines again. But they cannot figure out why the compressor keeps locking up and breaking belts. They are saying it it an electrical problem. Any suggestions? Not feeling overly confident with the shop anymore. This pickup is only driven to pull out 5th wheel, so it doesn’t get driven daily.

Is this shop a dedicated auto a/c shop? If not, that is what you need. It’s time for a second opinion from a specialist.

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When an AC compressor fails, and if certain components aren’t flushed or replaced to remove any debris from that failed compressor, that debris will destroy the new compressor in a short time.



They are not a dedicated A/C shop. They are a diesel dedicated shop. But I will take your advice and contact an A/C shop.

They said they flushed the system. But they did replace some lines today. They are diesel shop. Thinking I am going to go with contacting an actual A/C shop. Thank you so much for the reply.

Ask if the shop has a certified AC tech.

If not, they’re in big trouble if reported.


Does your receipt show any refrigerant oil being charged out to you? Over the years I have seen very few compressors come with the correct amount of oil in them but it’s a rarity. Just a possibility along with other causes that were mentioned.

The shop does sound a bit iffy, or worse, when it comes to A/C work. It seems to me that they owe you some money back and I think the electrical claim is a diversion.

Recharge ac? Step 1. Check pressures.
Some charge? Empty? How long?
Pull a vacuum. No leaks?
Next step.