'97 F150 ignition problem

When I turn the key in my '97 F150, sometimes it starts right up. Most of the time nothing will happen for a few seconds, but if I hold the key all the way over, it will start. Sometimes it takes several attempts. I have changed the switch itself, but no change in symptom. Also, the sterring wheel does not lock any more. Thanks in advance.

Did you change the mechanical part or the electrical part of the switch. The electrical side will control the starting problem, but the steering wheel not locking is controled by the mechanical side.

Thanks for responding. I replaced whatever is in the part they sell you at the auto parts store when you ask for an ignition switch. It is a cylinder that comes with two keys. You replace it by pushing in on a small button under the steering column and pulling the old one out. Joel

What you replaced was the tumbler assy. That really has nothing to do with your porblem. If you can, put the old tumbler assembly back in and see if the wheel locks then.

Your problem could be a bad starter, which may include the solenoid or bendix assy. Anyway, everything I have mentioned is replaced as unit.

You now have an ignition that is not matched to the doors. Lose the ignition key, and now the door lock can not be used to fabricate an ignition key, driving up the price when this occurs.

The ELECTRICAL switch probably is the actual problem, though it might take a while to recurr.

Almost every Ford built in last 2 decades, has had recalls on this switch.

Fords are notorious for burnign to the ground from these switches shorting.

Contact nearest FORD dealer, and have the service dept run your VIN for outstanding recall campaigns.

If you bought vehicle used, and never had FORD service it, and your state does not send registration data back to FORD, you may never know of a recall.

I am not a huge advocate for DEALERSHIP service, but when you buy a used vehicle, does not hurt to have dealer do a discount oil change, just to get you into the system for notifications.

Next time you have an issue with a lock, ask a locksmith!!! We tend to be the experts in all things key and lock, and WOULD have suggested checking for this switch recall.

City Lock
2898 30th St
Boulder CO 80301