$566,800/gallon for antifreeze

Odd they label this 4 door car a “Coupe” even in Rover brochures. Normally i think of a coupe as a 2-door. Styling is rather old-fashioned even for 1971

The only diff. is pretty much only the rear doors and a slightly lower roof line at the back as far as I know, but another guy just across from my shop is close to be a Rover fanatic. I’m gonna ask him later today.

As well he should be. The Doctor writes the prescription, the doctor has the education to know that opioids are addictive. This does not absolving big Pharma for their role but the controlling factor is the doctor. Florida, and my county in particular, had some rather draconian rules around opioid prescriptions and has recently made them much more stringent. So much so that pain relief will be significantly compromised.

No, not the highest. From the USA Today: The average net profit margin for drug companies, including pharmaceuticals and biotech, was about 12.5 percent to 14 percent, according to a January 2018 study.

Financial information firm Sageworks released their latest ranking of most profitable private industries:

  1. Accounting, tax preparation, bookkeeping, and payroll services; Net profit margin: 18.3 percent
  2. Legal services; Net profit margin: 17.4 percent
  3. Lessors of real estate; Net profit margin: 17.4 percent
  4. Outpatient care centers; Net profit margin: 15.9 percent
  5. Offices of real estate agents and brokers; Net profit margin: 14.8 percent

Can we bring this back to cars? I was about to close the thread and then I saw the Rovers. And now we’re back to big Pharma. Thanks.

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Okay, watch this. I’m going to bring it back from Big Pharma to cars.

When I drove a truck as a company driver, all of the employer-based health insurance options were terrible. A health issue ended my trucking career after a year of driving, leading me to incur some medical debt. Fortunately, I had my public sector office experience to fall back on, so I was able to get back on good health insurance as soon as I was able to land a good job. I worked as a janitorial supervisor in between jobs.

The question I have is this: When you and your family are on a road trip, do you want the people driving 60,000-80,000 pound semis mere feet away to be rationing their (diabetes, heart, etc.) medications, or do you want them to have affordable access to the same drugs as someone who has a good HMO?

I’d sleep better at night knowing all the truck drivers out there have affordable access to good health insurance. Even if I never work as a truck driver again, it’s in my interest to make sure everyone has affordable access to good health insurance, especially since the health of our economy relies on shipping your Amazon and eBay packages, and getting car parts to the factory on time.

DOT physicals are not all that thorough, and life as a long haul trucker is not healthy or active. Let that sink in for a minute.

wholesale price for a generic ampule of 0.3 mg epinephrine, syringe, filter needle, alcohol wipe, and regular needle is under $10, and what the rest of the world does. Given how quickly people sue over next to nothing, I understand why Epipen and other versions of the autoinjector are the only ones that are prescribed

Reread my original quote:

The manufacturing process is the place where you are most likely to introduce a harmful pathogen…and considering severe eye infections can cause permanent blindness…

Your eyes may not be in a sterile environment, but your body does an excellent job of protecting them by itself, hence the need for them to be manufactured in a sterile environment so you don’t introduce something to your eye that shouldn’t be there.

only when they’re being made :wink: trust me, I don’t keep the bubbles in my car (sorry @cdaquila!) for any dry eye drops for my camping trips!

Entitlement has multiple different definitions.

Definitions (4)

  1. Distribution or exercise of an absolute privilege or right to an economic benefit (such as old age pension, social security, unemployment stipend) granted by contract or law, automatically upon meeting the required qualification.
  2. Claim or right defended by reference to a precedence or established procedure.
  3. Government program benefiting members of a particular group.
  4. Offer or an actual payment of cash or stock (shares) to the holder of a security.

Social Security (SS) account deposits are made by the employee and employer. During my final 20 years until retirement my employer both civilian and military was Department of Defense so technically the federal government contributed 50% of funds to my account during that time. For non federal employees the government only funds administration and distribution of the accounts through the Social Security Administration (SSA). I was upset by SS being referred to as an entitlement until I learned it technically is.

Way off topic, but it’s not an entitlement as defined in 1). It’s not an absolute privilege or right. If you don’t pay in to SS, you don’t get to collect.

It’s an entitlement in the same vein as a new car is an entitlement; if I walk into a dealership and pay them $40,000 for a new car, they have to give it to me, because I’m entitled to it by dint of me paying for it. They don’t get to just take my money and shove me out the door.

That applies to retirement benefits, but I don’t think it applies to SS’s disability payments.

Also, immigrants can qualify for SS benefits if they meet certain conditions.

“Entitlement” is a tricky word. One one hand, you’re darn right it’s an entitlement. I’ve been paying into SS for decades, so I feel very entitled to the benefits I’ve earned, and I see my employer’s contribution to the plan as a benefit I’ve earned. On the other hand, “entitled” has become a dirty word, as in people who think they deserve things they have not earned.

It’s similar to the word “liberal.” It used to mean someone who believes in freedom from governmental overreach. Now it’s been coopted as a buzzword that is supposed to scare your pants off, along with words like “coastal” and “elite.” “Elite” used to be a good thing, meaning the best of something.

I know what entitlements are. I was just pointing out CCA what the GOP’s view is. The leaders of the GOP have stated numerous times that ALL SSN is ENTITLEMENT. Most thinking people don’t view it that way. Just the GOP. Same view for Medicare. The definition of ENTITLEMENT the GOP is using is - "Benefit given without merit. "

In reality they are EARNED BENEFITS. I pay into SSN just like I do my 401k. I also pay into Medicare just like I do for health insurance.