5 Common & Irritating Driving Mistakes

I do not like the right lane on interstates due to the added hassle of people merging from on ramps. If I am in the right lane and see a crowded merge lane I try to get over. Usually in the middle lane or left-hand lane keeping up with the flow of traffic.

Driving as I do, just under posted, I am able to anticipate those on-rampers from a quarter to half mile back, and give them a couple of encouraging winks of my high beams to go on, you’re ok. Most get me, and I can tell by their acceleration, often accompanied by a left blinker.

I seldom have to brake for on-rampers, unless it’s someone who really doesn’t get it, or is still new at it, trying to join the flow at 30 mph or under.

Inronically, I on-ramp and merge even faster: 55-60mph than the speed I maintain on highways.

Your thoughts and feelings are duly noted.

Well, of course! That’s smart driving. Keeping the highways flowing smoothly is something of a “group effort.” We’re not just all out there as lone individuals “entitled” to do our thing. You can feel entitled to do your thing (and legally speaking you do have the right of way over merging traffic), but you will then be a road hazard.

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So on a different subject from multi-lane roads and lanes and speeds and stuff, this just happened to me this afternoon…

I was coming up to a green light behind another car. The light went yellow, and that obviously becomes a judgment situation about whether to proceed or brake to a stop for the red.

This one - in my judgment - was about a 50/50, for me, but a no-brainer for the car in front. They would have needed to brake quite hard to stop. And for a couple of seconds after the yellow, they proceeded at their existing speed (we’re talking 35-ish). I decided against braking hard (I hate doing that) and to go through the yellow behind them.

Well, right about at the stop line that car in front of me decided it was time to stop REALLY hard! Holy cow. AYFKM? It’s a good thing I pay attention, and expect people to do stupid things. I only got one short chirp out of my tires. They ended up a full car length beyond the stop line. SMDH.

Hey folks. It’s legal - and safe - to cross a stop line on a yellow light! You know, within reason.

Better result that what happened to a friend - light turns yellow, friend floors it, car in front jams on the brakes, OUCH. Friend’s fault, of course.


Over the years participating on CarTalk I’ve learned there are few characteristic members on the platform, and I’m guilty of being one of those characters.

There is that one guy who is obsessed with the speed limit, another guy with the RR crossing ( me) obsession, and that other guy who finds faults to criticize

We should make a movie ! :sunglasses:

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Just one more reason for me to avoid the South.

They already had a TV show. Seinfeld. The self-proclaimed “show about nothing”,

I don’t understand that remark . Poor driving is not just a regional thing . We have been to the East and West coasts plus the North and South borders . I just can’t call any area worse than others

Yep, bad drivers are everywhere. Some are taught by family or friends that pass on their own bad habits. I would prefer everyone go through an accredited drivers Ed program. I received mine through the high school. Included merging onto the interstate.

Additionally, it would be wonderful if more people would take a Driver Improvement or Defensive Driving Class as they get older. Being reminded of old realities, and/or learning about newer MV regulations, could improve the driving of many people.