2018 Hyundai Sonata - Oil harming my spark plugs

I have a 2018 Sonata just reached 68k miles and has been leaking oil for around 6 months. Dealership is playing hard ball.
It is now causing all my spark plugs to blow.

It’s not unusual for a 5 year old car to develop oil leaks, especially from the valve cover area. In most cases the valve cover gasket is replaced, done, leaks stop. Not overly expensive. Is the check engine light turning on? If so, what are the computer’s diagnostic codes?

DOT NHTSA ODI Document (autoevolution.com)

OP, is the leak starting at the bottom of the engine, or the top?

If there is NO puddle underneath… Not leaking… burning and that will foul sparkplugs.

Insist the dealer run an oil consumption test.


Hyundai has had issues with their 4 cylinders burning oil . If it fouling plugs then that is what is happening . Is it leaking oil or is it burning oil ,big difference .

It’s leaking oil into the combustion chamber.