I’d be more concerned about the mold and other problems that will inevitably surface. With a “flood” car the saga always continues.
My concern here is the shop folks may now consider the OP a “difficult” customer b/c of dispute about the original diagnostic fee. IMO OP would better serve themselves to inform the shop that the Shop should decide how to repair the car, and OP will pay them for their service-time and parts cost w/out dispute. A diagnostic fee is very common charge on an auto-repair invoice , and shops wouldn’t normally get complaints from a customer about such a fee. Sort of like when a restaurant charges you 15% tip automatically. Most customer just pay up. If they don’t think the meal was acceptable and don’t want to pay the tip, the customer will usually get the tip fee removed under protest by the restaurant, but at that point the customer will have to go to different restaurants for future dining-out.
You heard that old joke about the airport guy getting reamed out by a customer as he carried the woman’s suitcases. He just smiled. An onlooker remarked how he could remain so pleasant while being yelled at. He smiled and said well she is going to Dallas but her bags are going to Portland. I got the cities wrong.
I call them Pam’s not Karen’s. We had a clerk studying for law school so exercising her antagonistic nature. Every day she would ream out the poor guy delivering her mail for some problem. Every day the mail delivery problems got worse. He had some physical and mental disabilities so no one could really say too much to him but everyone knew what he was doing. Pam finally left for law school never to be heard from again. Mail guy worked another 20 years.
Never yell at your surgeon before hand.
Sometimes this sort of thing goes in a different direction. I left a restaurant without paying. Was concerned about something else, forgot to pay. I’d been to this restaurant many times, always satisfied and left a good tip. Next time I come in, the staff there seems to be staring at me in an unusual way. I order, they serve up the food no complaints. But when I pay the owner says to me “was there something about your last visit here you didn’t like?”. I say “why?”. He explains I left before paying. I was all apology, all the time, saying it was my mistake, I was thinking about something else and forgot to pay, and paid up for both meals on the spot + a big tip. Everyone thought this to be a funny incident …lol .
Last time I had a meal that was unacceptable, I didn’t eat it or have to pay for it, but I did leave a tip.
Not the wait staffs fault the food was bad.
Somehow, some people think that they are going to get better service if they begin their interactions by being mean or demeaning to a person whose standard of service can vary to a great extent–depending on how he/she is treated.