2016 Chevrolet 1500 - what to do with this truck?

Isn’t some carbon build up taken in to account when designing the engine? So the original compression ratio is a bit lower than it could be. Carbon still raises the compression ratio. As long as it doesn’t get bad enough that hot spots develop or ignition timing has to be delayed, then it does improve performance. If the build up gets bad but there are no pre ignition causing hot spots, then buying mid grade gasoline can be necessary to prevent ignition delay and maintain original or now better than original performance.

No. If that were true the accepted repair for carbon build up would not be to “to determine cause of excess carbon, repair, clean carbon from pistons, heads and cylinders.” Do any parts places sell pre carboned pistons so you can get all the performance/compression you paid for?

Again no

And finally no. Using a higher grade gas would just be a bandaid to a problem that will just get worse. And what would you do on an already high compression engine that requires 93? The only higher octane available is AvGas or racing fuel both illegal to use in road vehicles. Do you have any facts to back this up? I know useless question. Please list them as I have never seen any.


Don’t hold your breath waiting for an answer.

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E85!!! Actually just leave it and let the ignition timing get delayed to prevent knocking, or clean out the carbon.