catalytic converter has no flow after only 6 months
I’m just a knucklehad diy’er with no experience w/your car. But you might want to ask your shop to check the coolant temp sensor. If it fails the engine computer might think the engine is cold all the time & richen the mixture when it shouldn’t, maybe double-pulse the injectors, and that can damage the cat.
Was it a direct fit quality installed converter, or a universal cheap converter?? Check engine light on?? for how long?? what are the codes??
Was this a DIY install or did you have a pro install the converter, if so is there no warranty on the work and converter from the shop??
Also is the engine having any misfire issues?? A faulty ignition system will/can kill a converter fast…
Was this some sort of cheap aftermarket cat? Did you have a CEL light on before the cat failed? Did the manufacturer provide a warranty? Did the mechanic provide a warranty?